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Autor Togarasei, Lovemore |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (4)

Título : Aspects of Pentecostal Christianity in Zimbabwe Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Togarasei, Lovemore, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2018 Número de páginas: VII, 234 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-319-78565-3 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Religión y sociología Cultura evangelicalismo Pentecostalismo Sociología de la religión Sociología de la cultura Evangelicalismo y pentecostalismo Clasificación: 306.6 Resumen: Este libro editado ofrece un retrato atractivo de un movimiento religioso vital dentro de este país del sur de África. Cuenta la historia de una comunidad de fe que a menudo se pasa por alto en la región. Entre los autores se encuentran destacados académicos de religión, teología y política de Botswana y Zimbabwe. Las ideas que presentan ayudarán a los lectores a comprender el lugar del cristianismo pentecostal en esta tierra de muchas religiones. Los capítulos detallan una historia del movimiento desde sus inicios hasta el presente. Los capítulos se centran en iglesias pentecostales específicas, la doctrina general del movimiento y la contribución del movimiento al país. La escritura está profundamente informada y presenta un profundo análisis histórico, teológico y sociológico en todo momento. Los lectores también aprenderán sobre la relevancia sociopolítica y económica de la fe en Zimbabwe, así como las implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas que plantea la pentecostalización de la sociedad. El volumen servirá como libro de consulta tanto para la enseñanza como para quienes realizan investigaciones sobre diversos aspectos del pasado, presente y futuro de la sociedad de Zimbabwe. Será un buen recurso para quienes trabajan en escuelas y departamentos universitarios de estudios religiosos, teología, historia, política, sociología, antropología social y estudios relacionados. Más allá de los lectores académicos y de investigación, el libro también será muy útil para los formuladores de políticas gubernamentales, las organizaciones no gubernamentales y las sociedades cívicas que tienen a la Iglesia como una parte interesada importante. Nota de contenido: Introduction (Lovemore Togarasei ) -- Part I: History -- Chapter 1: The religions of Zimbabwe in their plurality (Ezra Chitando) -- Chapter 2: The History of Pentecostal Christianity in Zimbabwe (Lovemore Togarasei) -- Chapter 3: The Primacy of the Spirit: The Case of African Initiated Churches as Pentecostals (Masiiwa Ragies Gunda) -- Chapter 4: Pentecostalism and Charismatism in the Roman Catholic Church's Archdiocese of Harare in Zimbabwe: a Critical Analysis (Joachim Kwaramba) -- Part II: Doctrine -- Chapter 5: Health and Wealth in Zimbabwean Pentecostal Doctrine: the case of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) (Kudzai Biri) -- Chapter 6: All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues" (Acts 2:4) (Francis Machingura) -- Chapter 7: Pentecostal Gospel of Prosperity in Zimbabwe: Understanding the divisive nature of Mega-church Superstar Men of God (Prophets), (Masiiwa Ragies Gunda) -- Chapter 8: The Old Testament as a source book for the Pentecostal Gospel of Prosperity (Masiiwa Ragies Gunda) -- Part III: Socio-Political and Economic Relevance -- Chapter 9: Pastors, Preachers and Wives: A critical reflection on the role of Pentecostalism in women empowerment in Zimbabwe (Tapiwa Praise Mapuranga). Chapter 10: Health and well-being in Zimbabwe's Pentecostal Churches (Tinoonga Shanduka) -- Chapter 11: Pentecostal churches: money making machines or purveyors of socio-economic growth? (Lovemore Togarasei). Chapter 12: Pentecostal Churches and Zimbabwean Politics: Some Reflections, (Mervis Zungura) -- Part IV: Theoretical and Methodological Issues -- Chapter 13: Pentecostal Christianity and Religious Pluralism: A Case study of ZAOGA and Shona Traditional Religion (Nisbert T. Taringa) -- Chapter 14: Biblical Interpretation in Pentecostal Christianity (Lovemore Togarasei) -- Chapter 15: The Pentecostal Kairos: Methodological and Theoretical Implications (Musa W. Dube). Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This edited book offers an engaging portrait into a vital, religious movement inside this southern Africa country. It tells the story of a community of faith that is often overlooked in the region. The authors include leading scholars of religion, theology, and politics from Botswana and Zimbabwe. The insights they present will help readers understand the place of Pentecostal Christianity in this land of many religions. The chapters detail a history of the movement from its inception to the present. Chapters focus on specific Pentecostal churches, general doctrine of the movement, and the movement's contribution to the country. The writing is deeply informed and features deep historical, theological, and sociological analysis throughout. Readers will also learn about the socio-political and economic relevance of the faith in Zimbabwe as well as the theoretical and methodological implications raised by the Pentecostalisation of society. The volume will serve as a resource book both for teaching and for those doing research on various aspects of the Zimbabwean society past, present, and future. It will be a good resource for those in schools and university and college departments of religious studies, theology, history, politics, sociology, social anthropology, and related studies. Over and above academic and research readers, the book will also be very useful to government policy makers, non-governmental organizations, and civic societies who have the Church as an important stakeholder. Enlace de acceso : [...] Aspects of Pentecostal Christianity in Zimbabwe [documento electrónico] / Togarasei, Lovemore, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2018 . - VII, 234 p.
ISBN : 978-3-319-78565-3
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Religión y sociología Cultura evangelicalismo Pentecostalismo Sociología de la religión Sociología de la cultura Evangelicalismo y pentecostalismo Clasificación: 306.6 Resumen: Este libro editado ofrece un retrato atractivo de un movimiento religioso vital dentro de este país del sur de África. Cuenta la historia de una comunidad de fe que a menudo se pasa por alto en la región. Entre los autores se encuentran destacados académicos de religión, teología y política de Botswana y Zimbabwe. Las ideas que presentan ayudarán a los lectores a comprender el lugar del cristianismo pentecostal en esta tierra de muchas religiones. Los capítulos detallan una historia del movimiento desde sus inicios hasta el presente. Los capítulos se centran en iglesias pentecostales específicas, la doctrina general del movimiento y la contribución del movimiento al país. La escritura está profundamente informada y presenta un profundo análisis histórico, teológico y sociológico en todo momento. Los lectores también aprenderán sobre la relevancia sociopolítica y económica de la fe en Zimbabwe, así como las implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas que plantea la pentecostalización de la sociedad. El volumen servirá como libro de consulta tanto para la enseñanza como para quienes realizan investigaciones sobre diversos aspectos del pasado, presente y futuro de la sociedad de Zimbabwe. Será un buen recurso para quienes trabajan en escuelas y departamentos universitarios de estudios religiosos, teología, historia, política, sociología, antropología social y estudios relacionados. Más allá de los lectores académicos y de investigación, el libro también será muy útil para los formuladores de políticas gubernamentales, las organizaciones no gubernamentales y las sociedades cívicas que tienen a la Iglesia como una parte interesada importante. Nota de contenido: Introduction (Lovemore Togarasei ) -- Part I: History -- Chapter 1: The religions of Zimbabwe in their plurality (Ezra Chitando) -- Chapter 2: The History of Pentecostal Christianity in Zimbabwe (Lovemore Togarasei) -- Chapter 3: The Primacy of the Spirit: The Case of African Initiated Churches as Pentecostals (Masiiwa Ragies Gunda) -- Chapter 4: Pentecostalism and Charismatism in the Roman Catholic Church's Archdiocese of Harare in Zimbabwe: a Critical Analysis (Joachim Kwaramba) -- Part II: Doctrine -- Chapter 5: Health and Wealth in Zimbabwean Pentecostal Doctrine: the case of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) (Kudzai Biri) -- Chapter 6: All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues" (Acts 2:4) (Francis Machingura) -- Chapter 7: Pentecostal Gospel of Prosperity in Zimbabwe: Understanding the divisive nature of Mega-church Superstar Men of God (Prophets), (Masiiwa Ragies Gunda) -- Chapter 8: The Old Testament as a source book for the Pentecostal Gospel of Prosperity (Masiiwa Ragies Gunda) -- Part III: Socio-Political and Economic Relevance -- Chapter 9: Pastors, Preachers and Wives: A critical reflection on the role of Pentecostalism in women empowerment in Zimbabwe (Tapiwa Praise Mapuranga). Chapter 10: Health and well-being in Zimbabwe's Pentecostal Churches (Tinoonga Shanduka) -- Chapter 11: Pentecostal churches: money making machines or purveyors of socio-economic growth? (Lovemore Togarasei). Chapter 12: Pentecostal Churches and Zimbabwean Politics: Some Reflections, (Mervis Zungura) -- Part IV: Theoretical and Methodological Issues -- Chapter 13: Pentecostal Christianity and Religious Pluralism: A Case study of ZAOGA and Shona Traditional Religion (Nisbert T. Taringa) -- Chapter 14: Biblical Interpretation in Pentecostal Christianity (Lovemore Togarasei) -- Chapter 15: The Pentecostal Kairos: Methodological and Theoretical Implications (Musa W. Dube). Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This edited book offers an engaging portrait into a vital, religious movement inside this southern Africa country. It tells the story of a community of faith that is often overlooked in the region. The authors include leading scholars of religion, theology, and politics from Botswana and Zimbabwe. The insights they present will help readers understand the place of Pentecostal Christianity in this land of many religions. The chapters detail a history of the movement from its inception to the present. Chapters focus on specific Pentecostal churches, general doctrine of the movement, and the movement's contribution to the country. The writing is deeply informed and features deep historical, theological, and sociological analysis throughout. Readers will also learn about the socio-political and economic relevance of the faith in Zimbabwe as well as the theoretical and methodological implications raised by the Pentecostalisation of society. The volume will serve as a resource book both for teaching and for those doing research on various aspects of the Zimbabwean society past, present, and future. It will be a good resource for those in schools and university and college departments of religious studies, theology, history, politics, sociology, social anthropology, and related studies. Over and above academic and research readers, the book will also be very useful to government policy makers, non-governmental organizations, and civic societies who have the Church as an important stakeholder. Enlace de acceso : [...]
Título : Lobola (Bridewealth) in Contemporary Southern Africa : Implications for Gender Equality Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Togarasei, Lovemore, ; Chitando, Ezra, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2021 Número de páginas: XIV, 378 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-59523-4 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Etnología Cultura África Subsahariana Sexo Religiones africanas Cultura africana Historia del África subsahariana Estudios de género Clasificación: 299.6 Resumen: Este volumen explora los múltiples significados e implicaciones de lobola en el sur de África. El pago de lobola (a menudo traducido de forma controvertida como "pago por noviazgo") es una práctica arraigada en la mayoría de las sociedades del sur de África. Aunque tiene una larga tradición, últimamente ha habido voces que cuestionan su relevancia en la época contemporánea, mientras que otras defienden con vehemencia la práctica. Este libro reúne a una variedad de académicos de diferentes disciplinas académicas, contextos nacionales, instituciones, géneros y orígenes étnicos para debatir la relevancia de la lobola en las comunidades contemporáneas del sur de África para la igualdad de género. Nota de contenido: Introduction Lovemore Togarasei (University of Botswana) and Ezra Chitando (University of Zimbabwe) -- Part 1: History of Lobola Chapter 1: Bridewealth in Southern Africa: Origin, Functions, Rights, and Gender-based Violence John Chitakure, The Mexican American Catholic College -- Chapter 2: Roora/Lobola: Its language, meaning and function: A keystone of Shona culture Francis Matambirofa, University of Zimbabwe -- Part 2: Lobola and/in Sacred Texts and Literature -- Chapter 3: The Bible and Lobola Lovemore Togarasei, University of Botswana -- Chapter 4: The Jewish and Shona Perspective of Lobola: A Critique Francis Machingura and Liveson Tatira, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 5: The biblical and cultural bases for lobola in light of marriage and divorce in the African context Eliot Tofa, University of Eswatini -- Chapter 6: Disempowerment of men by men? A comparative analysis of the impact of lobola and the Muslim mahr on masculinity.Edmore Dube, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 7: Mari Yedanga Takadya Kare!: Lobola and Femininity of Entrapment in ChiShona Literature Beatrice Taringa, Belvedere Teachers' College, Zimbabwe -- Part 3: Lobola Practices in Some Southern African Communities Chapter 8: Bogadi Practice and the Place of Women in the Botswana Society Fidelis Nkomazana, University of Botswana -- Chapter 9: Lobola: A Paradoxical Token of Appreciation in Modern Day Ndebele Culture Sambulo Ndlovu, University of Cape Town -- Chapter 10: African Culture, Globalisation and Conformity: A Critical Review of the Vhavenḓa Lumalo Practice in Zimbabwe Silibaziso Mulea, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 11: A Critical Assessment of Lobola Marriage Practices in Malawi: Mzimba South Case Study Mastone Mbewe, University of Malawi -- Chapter 12: Dynamics of Lobola practices among Vatsonga in Zimbabwe Madlome Steyn Khesani, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 13: Metaphorical use of mapere (hyenas) in ku-roora (wife acquisition) related practices among the Shona peoplein Zimbabwe Benard Pindukai Humbe and Excellent Chireshe, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 14: Commercialisation of Marriage Rites in Contemporary Times: The Discourse of Lobola in the public Sphere in Zambia Nelly Mwale and Joseph Chita, University of Zambia -- Chapter 15: Intersection of lobola, intimate partner violence, and love among Karanga Christians in Chivi District, Zimbabwe Excellent Chireshe, Great Zimbabwe University -- Part 4: Philosophical and Theological Reflections on the Practice of Lobola -- Chapter 16: An inquiry into the value of human life: The lobola perspective Clive Tendai Zimunya and Chipo Hatendi, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 17: Contextual African theological interpretation of lobola in the era of globalization Moji A. Ruele, University of Botswana -- Chapter 18: Lobola and Gender Equality: A Theological Hermeneutic Approach Blazio M. Manobo, Catholic University of Zimbabwe -- Part 5: Ir/relevance of Lobola in Contemporary Southern Africa -- Chapter 19: No to bride price/bride wealth, Yes to roora Nisbert T. Taringa and Godfrey Museka, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 20: Bride price: a stumbling block to women's advancement and development Loise Mudhosi, Independent scholar, Zimbabwe -- Chapter 21: Our debt to our parents?: Perspectives on Lobola Clive Tendai Zimunya, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 22: Creating alternatives to the practice of lobola in contemporary Southern Africa Mookgo Solomon Kgatle, University of South Africa -- Chapter 23: "Marujata", "Jojina" and "Achihera": Celebrating Women's Agency in the Debate on Roora in Shona Culture Ezra Chitando, University of Zimbabwe. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This volume explores the multiple meanings and implications of lobola in Southern Africa. The payment of lobola (often controversially translated as 'bridewealth') is an entrenched practice in most societies in Southern Africa. Although having a long tradition, of late there have been voices questioning its relevance in contemporary times while others vehemently defend the practice. This book brings together a range of scholars from different academic disciplines, national contexts, institutions, genders, and ethnic backgrounds to debate the relevance of lobola in contemporary southern African communities for gender equality. Enlace de acceso : [...] Lobola (Bridewealth) in Contemporary Southern Africa : Implications for Gender Equality [documento electrónico] / Togarasei, Lovemore, ; Chitando, Ezra, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2021 . - XIV, 378 p.
ISBN : 978-3-030-59523-4
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Etnología Cultura África Subsahariana Sexo Religiones africanas Cultura africana Historia del África subsahariana Estudios de género Clasificación: 299.6 Resumen: Este volumen explora los múltiples significados e implicaciones de lobola en el sur de África. El pago de lobola (a menudo traducido de forma controvertida como "pago por noviazgo") es una práctica arraigada en la mayoría de las sociedades del sur de África. Aunque tiene una larga tradición, últimamente ha habido voces que cuestionan su relevancia en la época contemporánea, mientras que otras defienden con vehemencia la práctica. Este libro reúne a una variedad de académicos de diferentes disciplinas académicas, contextos nacionales, instituciones, géneros y orígenes étnicos para debatir la relevancia de la lobola en las comunidades contemporáneas del sur de África para la igualdad de género. Nota de contenido: Introduction Lovemore Togarasei (University of Botswana) and Ezra Chitando (University of Zimbabwe) -- Part 1: History of Lobola Chapter 1: Bridewealth in Southern Africa: Origin, Functions, Rights, and Gender-based Violence John Chitakure, The Mexican American Catholic College -- Chapter 2: Roora/Lobola: Its language, meaning and function: A keystone of Shona culture Francis Matambirofa, University of Zimbabwe -- Part 2: Lobola and/in Sacred Texts and Literature -- Chapter 3: The Bible and Lobola Lovemore Togarasei, University of Botswana -- Chapter 4: The Jewish and Shona Perspective of Lobola: A Critique Francis Machingura and Liveson Tatira, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 5: The biblical and cultural bases for lobola in light of marriage and divorce in the African context Eliot Tofa, University of Eswatini -- Chapter 6: Disempowerment of men by men? A comparative analysis of the impact of lobola and the Muslim mahr on masculinity.Edmore Dube, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 7: Mari Yedanga Takadya Kare!: Lobola and Femininity of Entrapment in ChiShona Literature Beatrice Taringa, Belvedere Teachers' College, Zimbabwe -- Part 3: Lobola Practices in Some Southern African Communities Chapter 8: Bogadi Practice and the Place of Women in the Botswana Society Fidelis Nkomazana, University of Botswana -- Chapter 9: Lobola: A Paradoxical Token of Appreciation in Modern Day Ndebele Culture Sambulo Ndlovu, University of Cape Town -- Chapter 10: African Culture, Globalisation and Conformity: A Critical Review of the Vhavenḓa Lumalo Practice in Zimbabwe Silibaziso Mulea, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 11: A Critical Assessment of Lobola Marriage Practices in Malawi: Mzimba South Case Study Mastone Mbewe, University of Malawi -- Chapter 12: Dynamics of Lobola practices among Vatsonga in Zimbabwe Madlome Steyn Khesani, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 13: Metaphorical use of mapere (hyenas) in ku-roora (wife acquisition) related practices among the Shona peoplein Zimbabwe Benard Pindukai Humbe and Excellent Chireshe, Great Zimbabwe University -- Chapter 14: Commercialisation of Marriage Rites in Contemporary Times: The Discourse of Lobola in the public Sphere in Zambia Nelly Mwale and Joseph Chita, University of Zambia -- Chapter 15: Intersection of lobola, intimate partner violence, and love among Karanga Christians in Chivi District, Zimbabwe Excellent Chireshe, Great Zimbabwe University -- Part 4: Philosophical and Theological Reflections on the Practice of Lobola -- Chapter 16: An inquiry into the value of human life: The lobola perspective Clive Tendai Zimunya and Chipo Hatendi, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 17: Contextual African theological interpretation of lobola in the era of globalization Moji A. Ruele, University of Botswana -- Chapter 18: Lobola and Gender Equality: A Theological Hermeneutic Approach Blazio M. Manobo, Catholic University of Zimbabwe -- Part 5: Ir/relevance of Lobola in Contemporary Southern Africa -- Chapter 19: No to bride price/bride wealth, Yes to roora Nisbert T. Taringa and Godfrey Museka, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 20: Bride price: a stumbling block to women's advancement and development Loise Mudhosi, Independent scholar, Zimbabwe -- Chapter 21: Our debt to our parents?: Perspectives on Lobola Clive Tendai Zimunya, University of Zimbabwe -- Chapter 22: Creating alternatives to the practice of lobola in contemporary Southern Africa Mookgo Solomon Kgatle, University of South Africa -- Chapter 23: "Marujata", "Jojina" and "Achihera": Celebrating Women's Agency in the Debate on Roora in Shona Culture Ezra Chitando, University of Zimbabwe. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This volume explores the multiple meanings and implications of lobola in Southern Africa. The payment of lobola (often controversially translated as 'bridewealth') is an entrenched practice in most societies in Southern Africa. Although having a long tradition, of late there have been voices questioning its relevance in contemporary times while others vehemently defend the practice. This book brings together a range of scholars from different academic disciplines, national contexts, institutions, genders, and ethnic backgrounds to debate the relevance of lobola in contemporary southern African communities for gender equality. Enlace de acceso : [...] Pentecostalism and Human Rights in Contemporary Zimbabwe / Machingura, Francis ; Chitando, Ezra ; Togarasei, Lovemore
Título : Pentecostalism and Human Rights in Contemporary Zimbabwe Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Machingura, Francis, ; Chitando, Ezra, ; Togarasei, Lovemore, Editorial: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Fecha de publicación: 2018 Número de páginas: 1 online resource (347 pages) ISBN/ISSN/DL: 9781527505865 Palabras clave: Pentecostalism Zimbabwe Human rights Zimbabwe Clasificación: 270.82 Enlace de acceso : Pentecostalism and Human Rights in Contemporary Zimbabwe [documento electrónico] / Machingura, Francis, ; Chitando, Ezra, ; Togarasei, Lovemore, . - Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 . - 1 online resource (347 pages).
ISBN : 9781527505865
Palabras clave: Pentecostalism Zimbabwe Human rights Zimbabwe Clasificación: 270.82 Enlace de acceso :
Título : The Faith Sector And Hiv/Aids In Botswana : Responses And Challenges Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Mmolai, Sana ; Nkomazana, F. ; Togarasei, Lovemore Editorial: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Fecha de publicación: 2011 Número de páginas: xvi, 248 p. : Il.: ill. Palabras clave: AIDS (Disease) Prevention Religious aspects. Botswana HIV infections Prevention Religious aspects. Botswana Enlace de acceso : The Faith Sector And Hiv/Aids In Botswana : Responses And Challenges [documento electrónico] / Mmolai, Sana ; Nkomazana, F. ; Togarasei, Lovemore . - Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011 . - xvi, 248 p. : : ill.