Información del autor
Autor Ghogho, Mounir |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (2)

TÃtulo : Smart and Sustainable Agriculture : First International Conference, SSA 2021, Virtual Event, June 21-22, 2021, Proceedings Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Boumerdassi, Selma, ; Ghogho, Mounir, ; Renault, Éric, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2021 Número de páginas: X, 187 p. 98 ilustraciones, 85 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-88259-4 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Inteligencia artificial IngenierÃa Informática Red de computadoras Sistemas informáticos Computadoras Propósitos especiales Ciencias sociales IngenierÃa Informática y Redes Implementación de sistema informático Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Computadoras y Educación Aplicación informática en ciencias sociales y del comportamiento. Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: Este libro constituye las actas arbitradas de la Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre Agricultura Inteligente y Sostenible, SSA 2021, celebrada como evento virtual en junio de 2021. Los 12 artÃculos presentados fueron revisados ​​minuciosamente y seleccionados entre las 25 presentaciones calificadas. Los artÃculos ofrecen debates sobre las nuevas tendencias en comunicación y creación de redes, Internet de las cosas, procesamiento de datos para una agricultura inteligente, dispositivos basados ​​en energÃas renovables, soluciones de bajo costo para explotaciones de áreas extensas y paÃses en desarrollo, agricultura inteligente y agricultura urbana, riego inteligente, aplicación a pequeñas y grandes explotaciones, aplicación de la agricultura ancestral a la agricultura inteligente, gestión de residuos para la agricultura 2.0 y censo de agricultura ancestral regional. . Nota de contenido: Fuzzy Logic Based Pasture Assessment Using Weed and Bare Patch Detection -- Ensuring smart agriculture system communication condentiality using a new Network Steganography method -- Deploying Deep Neural Networks on Edge Devices for Grape Segmentation -- Abnormal behavior detection in Farming stream data -- eWeightSmart - a smart approach to beef production management -- Gaia-AgStream: An Explainable AI Platform for Mining Complex Data Streams in Agriculture -- Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Grape Cluster Segmentation -- Smart & Sustainable Agriculture - Machine Learning behind this (R)evolution -- A Methodology for Early Detection of Plant Diseases using Real Time Object Detection Algorithm -- Mathematical Modelling of Irrigation System Using WSN -- Development of Soil Nitrogen Estimation System in Oil Palm Land with Sentinel-1 Image Analysis Approach -- New Monitoring framework intelligent irrigation system. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Agriculture, SSA 2021, held as a virtual event in June 2021. The 12 papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 25 qualified submissions. The papers provide discussion on new trends in communication and networking, Internet of Things, data processing for smart agriculture, renewable-energy based devices, low-cost solutions for wide-area exploitations and developing countries, smart agriculture and urban farming, smart irrigation, application to small-size andlarge-size exploitations, application of ancestral farming to smart agriculture, waste management for agriculture 2.0, and census of regional ancestral farming. . Enlace de acceso : [...] Smart and Sustainable Agriculture : First International Conference, SSA 2021, Virtual Event, June 21-22, 2021, Proceedings [documento electrónico] / Boumerdassi, Selma, ; Ghogho, Mounir, ; Renault, Éric, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2021 . - X, 187 p. 98 ilustraciones, 85 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-88259-4
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Inteligencia artificial IngenierÃa Informática Red de computadoras Sistemas informáticos Computadoras Propósitos especiales Ciencias sociales IngenierÃa Informática y Redes Implementación de sistema informático Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Computadoras y Educación Aplicación informática en ciencias sociales y del comportamiento. Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: Este libro constituye las actas arbitradas de la Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre Agricultura Inteligente y Sostenible, SSA 2021, celebrada como evento virtual en junio de 2021. Los 12 artÃculos presentados fueron revisados ​​minuciosamente y seleccionados entre las 25 presentaciones calificadas. Los artÃculos ofrecen debates sobre las nuevas tendencias en comunicación y creación de redes, Internet de las cosas, procesamiento de datos para una agricultura inteligente, dispositivos basados ​​en energÃas renovables, soluciones de bajo costo para explotaciones de áreas extensas y paÃses en desarrollo, agricultura inteligente y agricultura urbana, riego inteligente, aplicación a pequeñas y grandes explotaciones, aplicación de la agricultura ancestral a la agricultura inteligente, gestión de residuos para la agricultura 2.0 y censo de agricultura ancestral regional. . Nota de contenido: Fuzzy Logic Based Pasture Assessment Using Weed and Bare Patch Detection -- Ensuring smart agriculture system communication condentiality using a new Network Steganography method -- Deploying Deep Neural Networks on Edge Devices for Grape Segmentation -- Abnormal behavior detection in Farming stream data -- eWeightSmart - a smart approach to beef production management -- Gaia-AgStream: An Explainable AI Platform for Mining Complex Data Streams in Agriculture -- Comparison of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Grape Cluster Segmentation -- Smart & Sustainable Agriculture - Machine Learning behind this (R)evolution -- A Methodology for Early Detection of Plant Diseases using Real Time Object Detection Algorithm -- Mathematical Modelling of Irrigation System Using WSN -- Development of Soil Nitrogen Estimation System in Oil Palm Land with Sentinel-1 Image Analysis Approach -- New Monitoring framework intelligent irrigation system. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Agriculture, SSA 2021, held as a virtual event in June 2021. The 12 papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 25 qualified submissions. The papers provide discussion on new trends in communication and networking, Internet of Things, data processing for smart agriculture, renewable-energy based devices, low-cost solutions for wide-area exploitations and developing countries, smart agriculture and urban farming, smart irrigation, application to small-size andlarge-size exploitations, application of ancestral farming to smart agriculture, waste management for agriculture 2.0, and census of regional ancestral farming. . Enlace de acceso : [...]
TÃtulo : Ubiquitous Networking : Third International Symposium, UNet 2017, Casablanca, Morocco, May 9-12, 2017, Revised Selected Papers Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Sabir, Essaid, ; GarcÃa Armada, Ana, ; Ghogho, Mounir, ; Debbah, Mérouane, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2017 Número de páginas: XXV, 659 p. 278 ilustraciones ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-319-68179-5 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Red de computadoras Protección de datos Software de la aplicacion Comercio electrónico CriptografÃa Cifrado de datos (Informática) Inteligencia artificial Redes de comunicación informática Seguridad de datos e información Aplicaciones informáticas y de sistemas de información comercio electrónico y negocios electrónicos CriptologÃa Clasificación: 004.6 Ciencia de los computadores (Interfaces y comunicaciones) Resumen: Este libro constituye las actas arbitradas del Tercer Simposio Internacional sobre Redes Ubicuas, UNet 2017, celebrado en Casablanca, Marruecos, en mayo de 2017. Los 56 artÃculos completos presentados en este volumen fueron cuidadosamente revisados ​​y seleccionados entre 127 presentaciones. Se organizaron en secciones temáticas denominadas: paradigmas de conciencia del contexto y autonomÃa; virtualización y redes de borde móvil; Internet ubicuo de las cosas: tecnologÃas emergentes y avances; y facilitadores, desafÃos y aplicaciones. . Nota de contenido: Context-Awareness and Autonomy Paradigms -- Studying Node Cooperation in Reputation Based Packet Forwarding within Mobile Ad hoc Networks -- Routing Game On the Line: The Case Of Multiple Players -- A Fully Distributed Satisfactory Power Control for QoS Self-Provisioning in 5G Networks -- A Game Theoretic Approach Against The Greedy Behavior In MAC IEEE 802.11.-Leveraging User Intuition to Predict Item Popularity in Social Networks -- Quality of Experience in HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming Systems -- Community Detection through Topic Modeling in Social Networks -- A Formal Framework for Adaptation -- A Comprehensive Study Of Intelligent Transportation System Architectures For Road Congestion Avoidance -- Enhancing security in Optimized Link State Routing protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- A new Data Forwarding Scheme for DTNs based on Coalition Game -- Impact of Link Lifetime on QoS in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks -- Mobile Edge Networking and Virtualization -- A Multi-Broker Cloud Architecture for the Purpose of Large Scale Sensing Applications Development -- A Simulation Framework for IT Governance in the Context of Corporate Relocation -- NGN Management with NGOSS Framework-Based IMS Use Case -- Migration from Web Services to Cloud Services -- Improving Attack Graph Scalability For the Cloud Through SDN-Based Decomposition And Parallel Processing -- Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Cloud-Based Systems -- Towards Optimizing the Usability of Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud-Based Medical Image Processing -- A Verifiable Secret Sharing Approach for Secure Multi-Cloud Storage -- A Priority Based Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing using a Hybrid MCDM Model -- A Novel Approach for Security in Cloud-Based Medical Image Storage using Segmentation -- Ubiquitous Internet of Things: Emerging Technologies and Breakthroughs -- Toward Reliable Maritime Communication for a Safe Operation of Autonomous Ship -- A Secure Machine-to-Machine Wireless Communication Using DNP3 Protocol for Feeder Automation in Smart-Grid -- L-CAHASH: A Novel Lightweight Hash Function Based on Cellular Automata for RFID -- Group Authentication with Fault Tolerance for Internet of Things -- Fully Distributed Indexing over a Distributed Hash Table --           IoT-Empowered Smart Agriculture: A Real-Time Lightweight Embedded Segmentation System -- Random Access Procedure based on an Adaptive Prioritization Method for Integration of MTC in Mobile Networks -- Adopting Fuzzy Technique to Save Energy in Smart Home Control System -- Multi-Hop Clustering Solution Based on Beacon Delay for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks -- F2CDM: Internet of Things for Healthcare Network Based Fog-to-Cloud and Data-in-Motion using MQTT Protocol -- Compact Dual-band CPW-fed Patch Antenna for 2.45/5.80 GHz RFID Applications -- MRA*: Parallel and Distributed Path in Large-Scale Graph Using Mapreduce-A* Based Approach -- Study of Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks Using S-Rhombus, S-Square and S-Circle Deployment -- Toward a new extension of IPv6 addressing to connect non IP objects --  Enablers, Challenges and Applications -- Channel Coherence Classification with Frame-Shifting in Massive MIMO Systems -- Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Two-Way Massive MIMO Full-Duplex Relay Systems with Direct Link -- Robust Trajectory Planning for Robotic Communications under Fading Channels -- Performance of Enhanced LTE OTDOA Positioning Approach Through Nakagami-m Fading Channel -- Chaotic ZKP based Authentication and Key Distribution Scheme in Environmental Monitoring CPS -- Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Network Intrusion Detection Systems -- An Efficient Authentication Protocol for 5G Heterogeneous Networks -- An Agreement graph-based-authentication scheme for 5G networks -- Green Base Station Placement for Microwave Backhaul Links -- Joint Frame Detection and Channel Estimation for DCO-OFDM LiFi Systems -- SIR-based Performance Analysis of Dual-Branch SC over Correlated \kappa-\mu Fading Channels.-Performance Analysis of Asynchronous and non-Linear FBMC Systems -- An Improved Bernoulli Sensing Matrix For Compressive Sensing -- Contribution to the Study of Beamforming at 2.4GHz of a Smart Antenna for Wireless Applications Fed by a 4x4 Butler matrix -- Adaptive Mapping for Multiple Applications on Parallel Architectures -- Verification of SystemC Components using the Method of Deduction -- Image Segmentation by Deep Community Detection Approach -- Data Mining Approaches for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis -- Image Search Engine based on Color Histogram and Zernike Moment -- Risk Assessment and Alert Prioritization for Intrusion Detection Systems. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, UNet 2017, held in Casablanca, Morocco, in May 2017. The 56 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 127 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: context-awareness and autonomy paradigms; mobile edge networking and virtualization; ubiquitous internet of things: emerging technologies and breakthroughs; and enablers, challenges and applications. . Enlace de acceso : [...] Ubiquitous Networking : Third International Symposium, UNet 2017, Casablanca, Morocco, May 9-12, 2017, Revised Selected Papers [documento electrónico] / Sabir, Essaid, ; GarcÃa Armada, Ana, ; Ghogho, Mounir, ; Debbah, Mérouane, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2017 . - XXV, 659 p. 278 ilustraciones.
ISBN : 978-3-319-68179-5
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Red de computadoras Protección de datos Software de la aplicacion Comercio electrónico CriptografÃa Cifrado de datos (Informática) Inteligencia artificial Redes de comunicación informática Seguridad de datos e información Aplicaciones informáticas y de sistemas de información comercio electrónico y negocios electrónicos CriptologÃa Clasificación: 004.6 Ciencia de los computadores (Interfaces y comunicaciones) Resumen: Este libro constituye las actas arbitradas del Tercer Simposio Internacional sobre Redes Ubicuas, UNet 2017, celebrado en Casablanca, Marruecos, en mayo de 2017. Los 56 artÃculos completos presentados en este volumen fueron cuidadosamente revisados ​​y seleccionados entre 127 presentaciones. Se organizaron en secciones temáticas denominadas: paradigmas de conciencia del contexto y autonomÃa; virtualización y redes de borde móvil; Internet ubicuo de las cosas: tecnologÃas emergentes y avances; y facilitadores, desafÃos y aplicaciones. . Nota de contenido: Context-Awareness and Autonomy Paradigms -- Studying Node Cooperation in Reputation Based Packet Forwarding within Mobile Ad hoc Networks -- Routing Game On the Line: The Case Of Multiple Players -- A Fully Distributed Satisfactory Power Control for QoS Self-Provisioning in 5G Networks -- A Game Theoretic Approach Against The Greedy Behavior In MAC IEEE 802.11.-Leveraging User Intuition to Predict Item Popularity in Social Networks -- Quality of Experience in HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming Systems -- Community Detection through Topic Modeling in Social Networks -- A Formal Framework for Adaptation -- A Comprehensive Study Of Intelligent Transportation System Architectures For Road Congestion Avoidance -- Enhancing security in Optimized Link State Routing protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- A new Data Forwarding Scheme for DTNs based on Coalition Game -- Impact of Link Lifetime on QoS in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks -- Mobile Edge Networking and Virtualization -- A Multi-Broker Cloud Architecture for the Purpose of Large Scale Sensing Applications Development -- A Simulation Framework for IT Governance in the Context of Corporate Relocation -- NGN Management with NGOSS Framework-Based IMS Use Case -- Migration from Web Services to Cloud Services -- Improving Attack Graph Scalability For the Cloud Through SDN-Based Decomposition And Parallel Processing -- Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Cloud-Based Systems -- Towards Optimizing the Usability of Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud-Based Medical Image Processing -- A Verifiable Secret Sharing Approach for Secure Multi-Cloud Storage -- A Priority Based Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing using a Hybrid MCDM Model -- A Novel Approach for Security in Cloud-Based Medical Image Storage using Segmentation -- Ubiquitous Internet of Things: Emerging Technologies and Breakthroughs -- Toward Reliable Maritime Communication for a Safe Operation of Autonomous Ship -- A Secure Machine-to-Machine Wireless Communication Using DNP3 Protocol for Feeder Automation in Smart-Grid -- L-CAHASH: A Novel Lightweight Hash Function Based on Cellular Automata for RFID -- Group Authentication with Fault Tolerance for Internet of Things -- Fully Distributed Indexing over a Distributed Hash Table --           IoT-Empowered Smart Agriculture: A Real-Time Lightweight Embedded Segmentation System -- Random Access Procedure based on an Adaptive Prioritization Method for Integration of MTC in Mobile Networks -- Adopting Fuzzy Technique to Save Energy in Smart Home Control System -- Multi-Hop Clustering Solution Based on Beacon Delay for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks -- F2CDM: Internet of Things for Healthcare Network Based Fog-to-Cloud and Data-in-Motion using MQTT Protocol -- Compact Dual-band CPW-fed Patch Antenna for 2.45/5.80 GHz RFID Applications -- MRA*: Parallel and Distributed Path in Large-Scale Graph Using Mapreduce-A* Based Approach -- Study of Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks Using S-Rhombus, S-Square and S-Circle Deployment -- Toward a new extension of IPv6 addressing to connect non IP objects --  Enablers, Challenges and Applications -- Channel Coherence Classification with Frame-Shifting in Massive MIMO Systems -- Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Two-Way Massive MIMO Full-Duplex Relay Systems with Direct Link -- Robust Trajectory Planning for Robotic Communications under Fading Channels -- Performance of Enhanced LTE OTDOA Positioning Approach Through Nakagami-m Fading Channel -- Chaotic ZKP based Authentication and Key Distribution Scheme in Environmental Monitoring CPS -- Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Network Intrusion Detection Systems -- An Efficient Authentication Protocol for 5G Heterogeneous Networks -- An Agreement graph-based-authentication scheme for 5G networks -- Green Base Station Placement for Microwave Backhaul Links -- Joint Frame Detection and Channel Estimation for DCO-OFDM LiFi Systems -- SIR-based Performance Analysis of Dual-Branch SC over Correlated \kappa-\mu Fading Channels.-Performance Analysis of Asynchronous and non-Linear FBMC Systems -- An Improved Bernoulli Sensing Matrix For Compressive Sensing -- Contribution to the Study of Beamforming at 2.4GHz of a Smart Antenna for Wireless Applications Fed by a 4x4 Butler matrix -- Adaptive Mapping for Multiple Applications on Parallel Architectures -- Verification of SystemC Components using the Method of Deduction -- Image Segmentation by Deep Community Detection Approach -- Data Mining Approaches for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis -- Image Search Engine based on Color Histogram and Zernike Moment -- Risk Assessment and Alert Prioritization for Intrusion Detection Systems. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking, UNet 2017, held in Casablanca, Morocco, in May 2017. The 56 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 127 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: context-awareness and autonomy paradigms; mobile edge networking and virtualization; ubiquitous internet of things: emerging technologies and breakthroughs; and enablers, challenges and applications. . Enlace de acceso : [...]