Información del autor
Autor Ruiz, Marcela |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (2)

TÃtulo : CAiSE Forum 2019, Rome, Italy, June 3–7, 2019, Proceedings Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Cappiello, Cinzia, ; Ruiz, Marcela, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2019 Número de páginas: XI, 268 p. 266 ilustraciones, 51 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-21297-1 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Aplicaciones informáticas y de sistemas de información Servicios de información empresarial Sistemas de Información Empresarial Aplicación Informática en Tratamiento de Datos Administrativos Gestión de Procesos de Negocio Application software Gestión TecnologÃa de la información IngenierÃa de software Clasificación: 005.3 Ciencia de los computadores (Programas) Resumen: Este libro constituye las actas minuciosamente arbitradas del Foro CAiSE 2019 celebrado en Roma, Italia, como parte de la 31.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre IngenierÃa de Sistemas de Información Avanzada, CAiSE 2019, en junio de 2019. El Foro CAiSE: una de las áreas tradicionales del CAiSE conferencia: tiene como objetivo presentar nuevos temas emergentes y posiciones controvertidas, asà como la demostración de sistemas, herramientas y aplicaciones innovadores relacionados con la ingenierÃa de sistemas de información. El tema de este año fue "Sistemas de información responsables". Los 19 artÃculos completos y 3 artÃculos cortos presentados en este volumen fueron cuidadosamente revisados ​​y seleccionados de 14 presentaciones directas (de las cuales se seleccionaron 7 artÃculos completos), más 15 transferencias de la conferencia principal de CAiSE (que dieron como resultado otros 12 artÃculos completos y 3 artÃculos cortos). ). Nota de contenido: UBBA Unity Based BPMN Animator -- Achieving GDPR Compliance of BPMN Process Models -- How Could Systems Analysis Use the Idea of "Responsible Information System" -- Discovering Customer Journeys from Evidence: a Genetic Approach Inspired by Process Mining -- Keeping Data Inter-Related in a Blockchain -- Finding Non-compliances with Declarative Process Constraints through Semantic Technologies -- The SenSoMod-Modeler - A Model-Driven Architecture Approach for Mobile Context-Aware Business Applications -- Blurring Boundaries Towards The Collective Team Grokking of Product Requirements -- Towards an Effective and Efficient Management of Genome Data: an Information Systems Engineering perspective -- A Data Streams Processing Platform for Matching Information Demand and Data Supply -- Co-Location Speci_cation for IoT-Aware Collaborative Business Processes -- Towards risk-driven security requirements management in agile software development -- Detection and Resolution of Data-Flow Differences in Business Process Models -- Modeling reverse logistics networks: a case study for E-waste management policy -- Using Conceptual Modeling to Support Machine Learning -- Analyzing User Behavior in Search Process Models -- User-Centered and Privacy-Driven Process Mining System Design for IoT -- ProcessCity Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor -- Enhancing Big Data Warehousing for Efficient, Integrated and Advanced Analytics Visionary Paper -- Business Process Compliance Despite Change: Towards Proposals for a Business Process Adaptation -- The Role of Data: Finding Concept Drifts and their Reasons based on Process Histories -- How Complex Does Compliance Get. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the CAiSE Forum 2019 held in Rome, Italy, as part of the 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2019, in June 2019. The CAiSE Forum - one of the traditional tracks of the CAiSE conference - aims to present emerging new topics and controversial positions, as well as demonstration of innovative systems, tools and applications related to information systems engineering. This year's theme was "Responsible Information Systems". The 19 full papers and 3 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 14 direct submissions (of which 7 full papers were selected), plus 15 transfers from the CAiSE main conference (which resulted in another 12 full and 3 short papers). Enlace de acceso : [...] CAiSE Forum 2019, Rome, Italy, June 3–7, 2019, Proceedings [documento electrónico] / Cappiello, Cinzia, ; Ruiz, Marcela, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2019 . - XI, 268 p. 266 ilustraciones, 51 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-21297-1
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Aplicaciones informáticas y de sistemas de información Servicios de información empresarial Sistemas de Información Empresarial Aplicación Informática en Tratamiento de Datos Administrativos Gestión de Procesos de Negocio Application software Gestión TecnologÃa de la información IngenierÃa de software Clasificación: 005.3 Ciencia de los computadores (Programas) Resumen: Este libro constituye las actas minuciosamente arbitradas del Foro CAiSE 2019 celebrado en Roma, Italia, como parte de la 31.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre IngenierÃa de Sistemas de Información Avanzada, CAiSE 2019, en junio de 2019. El Foro CAiSE: una de las áreas tradicionales del CAiSE conferencia: tiene como objetivo presentar nuevos temas emergentes y posiciones controvertidas, asà como la demostración de sistemas, herramientas y aplicaciones innovadores relacionados con la ingenierÃa de sistemas de información. El tema de este año fue "Sistemas de información responsables". Los 19 artÃculos completos y 3 artÃculos cortos presentados en este volumen fueron cuidadosamente revisados ​​y seleccionados de 14 presentaciones directas (de las cuales se seleccionaron 7 artÃculos completos), más 15 transferencias de la conferencia principal de CAiSE (que dieron como resultado otros 12 artÃculos completos y 3 artÃculos cortos). ). Nota de contenido: UBBA Unity Based BPMN Animator -- Achieving GDPR Compliance of BPMN Process Models -- How Could Systems Analysis Use the Idea of "Responsible Information System" -- Discovering Customer Journeys from Evidence: a Genetic Approach Inspired by Process Mining -- Keeping Data Inter-Related in a Blockchain -- Finding Non-compliances with Declarative Process Constraints through Semantic Technologies -- The SenSoMod-Modeler - A Model-Driven Architecture Approach for Mobile Context-Aware Business Applications -- Blurring Boundaries Towards The Collective Team Grokking of Product Requirements -- Towards an Effective and Efficient Management of Genome Data: an Information Systems Engineering perspective -- A Data Streams Processing Platform for Matching Information Demand and Data Supply -- Co-Location Speci_cation for IoT-Aware Collaborative Business Processes -- Towards risk-driven security requirements management in agile software development -- Detection and Resolution of Data-Flow Differences in Business Process Models -- Modeling reverse logistics networks: a case study for E-waste management policy -- Using Conceptual Modeling to Support Machine Learning -- Analyzing User Behavior in Search Process Models -- User-Centered and Privacy-Driven Process Mining System Design for IoT -- ProcessCity Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor -- Enhancing Big Data Warehousing for Efficient, Integrated and Advanced Analytics Visionary Paper -- Business Process Compliance Despite Change: Towards Proposals for a Business Process Adaptation -- The Role of Data: Finding Concept Drifts and their Reasons based on Process Histories -- How Complex Does Compliance Get. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the CAiSE Forum 2019 held in Rome, Italy, as part of the 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2019, in June 2019. The CAiSE Forum - one of the traditional tracks of the CAiSE conference - aims to present emerging new topics and controversial positions, as well as demonstration of innovative systems, tools and applications related to information systems engineering. This year's theme was "Responsible Information Systems". The 19 full papers and 3 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 14 direct submissions (of which 7 full papers were selected), plus 15 transfers from the CAiSE main conference (which resulted in another 12 full and 3 short papers). Enlace de acceso : [...]
TÃtulo : TraceME: A Traceability-Based Method for Conceptual Model Evolution : Model-Driven Techniques, Tools, Guidelines, and Open Challenges in Conceptual Model Evolution Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Ruiz, Marcela, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2018 Número de páginas: XV, 276 p. 133 ilustraciones ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-319-89716-5 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: IngenierÃa de software Software de la aplicacion TecnologÃa de la información Aplicaciones informáticas y de sistemas de información Aplicación Informática en Tratamiento de Datos Administrativos Clasificación: 005.1 Resumen: Este libro presenta TraceME, un método basado en trazabilidad para la evolución de modelos conceptuales cuyo propósito general es apoyar la evolución de los sistemas de información. Al proporcionar un conjunto de cuatro fragmentos de TraceME, TraceME está orientado a la situación. De esta manera, se puede adaptar para apoyar diferentes proyectos de evolución simplemente ensamblando los fragmentos de TraceME. Para facilitar su adopción industrial, se desarrollaron y describieron herramientas de código abierto que respaldan la implementación de los fragmentos de TraceME. El trabajo presentado destaca varios esfuerzos de investigación para el desarrollo de métodos y técnicas para automatizar la evolución de los sistemas de software. Explora el campo de la ingenierÃa de requisitos como un trampolÃn hacia procesos de desarrollo de software exitosos. En 2017, la disertación de doctorado subyacente ganó el "CAiSE PhD award", otorgado a tesis de doctorado sobresalientes en el campo de la ingenierÃa de sistemas de información. Nota de contenido: 1.1 Problem statement -- 1.2 Research method -- 1.2.1 Research goals and research questions -- 1.2.2 Engineering, design and empirical cycles -- 1.3 Means to achieve the main research goal -- 1.4 The TraceME method in a nutshell -- 1.5 Outline of the book -- 2.1 Traceability in conceptual model evolution -- 2.2 Measuring conceptual models evolution -- 2.3 Model-driven organisational reengineering frameworks -- 2.4 Goal-driven requirements engineering -- 2.5 Evolution requirements and information system co-evolution -- 2.6 TraceME and related MDD solutions -- 2.7 Summary -- 3.1 The basics -- 3.2 A theoretical framework for model-driven development -- 3.3 A theoretical framework for organisational reengineering -- 3.4 Summary -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Background and running example -- 4.2.1 The i* framework in a nutshell -- 4.2.2 The Communication Analysis method in a nutshell -- 4.3 The GoBIS framework -- 4.3.1 Research Method -- 4.3.2 Modelling language integration -- 4.3.3 Ontological mapping between i* and CA -- 4.3.4 Metamodel integration: the GoBIS metamodel -- 4.4 iStar2ca guidelines: top-down scenario guidelines -- 4.5 evolCA procedure: evolution scenario procedure -- 4.6 ca2oom integration framework. -4.7 Delta analysis -- 4.7.1 Delta models specification -- 4.7.2 Delta models measurement -- 4.7.3 Delta models and metrics interpretation report -- 4.7.4 Delta analysis metamodel -- 4.8 Summary -- 5.1 Motivation -- 5.2 TraceME method: the construction -- 5.3 A method engineering effort to construct TraceME -- 5.4 The TraceME Method -- 5.4.1 Introduction -- 5.4.2 Perspective -- 5.4.3 Framework -- 5.4.4 Cooperation principles -- 5.5 Method chunk iStar2ca guidelines -- 5.5.1 Concepts -- 5.5.2 Procedure -- 5.5.3 Notation -- 5.6 Method chunk ca2oom integration framework -- 5.6.1 Concepts -- 5.6.2 Procedure -- 5.6.3 Notation -- 5.7 Method chunk evolCA procedure -- 5.7.1 Concepts -- 5.7.2 Procedure -- 5.7.3 Notation -- 5.8 Method chunk Delta Analysis -- 5.8.1 Concepts -- 5.8.2 Procedure -- 5.8.3 Notation -- 5.9 Situational-oriented assembling of the TraceME chunks -- 5.10 Summary -- 6.1 Introduction. -6.2 Validation of the iStar2ca guidelines – a laboratory demonstration and comparative experiment -- 6.2.1 Laboratory demonstration -- 6.2.2 Comparative experiment -- 6.3 Validation of the Delta Analysis technique: Action research experience in everis Spain -- 6.3.1 Design of the action research in everis -- 6.3.2 Discussion -- 6.4 Validation of the ca2oom integration framework: an experiment for sensitive analysis -- 6.4.1 Experimental design -- 6.4.2 Experimental procedure -- 6.4.3 Conclusions and lessons learnt -- 6.5 Validation of the evolCA procedure: A feasibility analysis -- 6.5.1 Design and procedure -- 6.5.2 Conclusions and lessons learnt -- 6.6 Summary -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 The GREAT Process Modeller -- 7.3 Plug-in for the GoBIS framework -- 7.4 Plug-in the Delta Analysis technique -- 7.5 Summary -- 8.1 Wrap up: main contributions -- 8.2 Open challenges. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book presents TraceME, a traceability-based method for conceptual model evolution whose general purpose is to support the evolution of information systems. By providing a set of four TraceME chunks, TraceME is situational-oriented. In this way, it can be adapted to support different evolution projects by just assembling the TraceME chunks. To facilitate its industrial adoption, open source tools were developed and described which support the implementation of the TraceME chunks. The work presented highlights various research endeavors for the development of methods and techniques to automate the evolution of software systems. It explores the requirements engineering field as a steppingstone to a successful software development processes. In 2017, the underlying PhD dissertation won the "CAiSE PhD award", granted to outstanding PhD theses in the field of Information Systems Engineering. Enlace de acceso : [...] TraceME: A Traceability-Based Method for Conceptual Model Evolution : Model-Driven Techniques, Tools, Guidelines, and Open Challenges in Conceptual Model Evolution [documento electrónico] / Ruiz, Marcela, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2018 . - XV, 276 p. 133 ilustraciones.
ISBN : 978-3-319-89716-5
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: IngenierÃa de software Software de la aplicacion TecnologÃa de la información Aplicaciones informáticas y de sistemas de información Aplicación Informática en Tratamiento de Datos Administrativos Clasificación: 005.1 Resumen: Este libro presenta TraceME, un método basado en trazabilidad para la evolución de modelos conceptuales cuyo propósito general es apoyar la evolución de los sistemas de información. Al proporcionar un conjunto de cuatro fragmentos de TraceME, TraceME está orientado a la situación. De esta manera, se puede adaptar para apoyar diferentes proyectos de evolución simplemente ensamblando los fragmentos de TraceME. Para facilitar su adopción industrial, se desarrollaron y describieron herramientas de código abierto que respaldan la implementación de los fragmentos de TraceME. El trabajo presentado destaca varios esfuerzos de investigación para el desarrollo de métodos y técnicas para automatizar la evolución de los sistemas de software. Explora el campo de la ingenierÃa de requisitos como un trampolÃn hacia procesos de desarrollo de software exitosos. En 2017, la disertación de doctorado subyacente ganó el "CAiSE PhD award", otorgado a tesis de doctorado sobresalientes en el campo de la ingenierÃa de sistemas de información. Nota de contenido: 1.1 Problem statement -- 1.2 Research method -- 1.2.1 Research goals and research questions -- 1.2.2 Engineering, design and empirical cycles -- 1.3 Means to achieve the main research goal -- 1.4 The TraceME method in a nutshell -- 1.5 Outline of the book -- 2.1 Traceability in conceptual model evolution -- 2.2 Measuring conceptual models evolution -- 2.3 Model-driven organisational reengineering frameworks -- 2.4 Goal-driven requirements engineering -- 2.5 Evolution requirements and information system co-evolution -- 2.6 TraceME and related MDD solutions -- 2.7 Summary -- 3.1 The basics -- 3.2 A theoretical framework for model-driven development -- 3.3 A theoretical framework for organisational reengineering -- 3.4 Summary -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Background and running example -- 4.2.1 The i* framework in a nutshell -- 4.2.2 The Communication Analysis method in a nutshell -- 4.3 The GoBIS framework -- 4.3.1 Research Method -- 4.3.2 Modelling language integration -- 4.3.3 Ontological mapping between i* and CA -- 4.3.4 Metamodel integration: the GoBIS metamodel -- 4.4 iStar2ca guidelines: top-down scenario guidelines -- 4.5 evolCA procedure: evolution scenario procedure -- 4.6 ca2oom integration framework. -4.7 Delta analysis -- 4.7.1 Delta models specification -- 4.7.2 Delta models measurement -- 4.7.3 Delta models and metrics interpretation report -- 4.7.4 Delta analysis metamodel -- 4.8 Summary -- 5.1 Motivation -- 5.2 TraceME method: the construction -- 5.3 A method engineering effort to construct TraceME -- 5.4 The TraceME Method -- 5.4.1 Introduction -- 5.4.2 Perspective -- 5.4.3 Framework -- 5.4.4 Cooperation principles -- 5.5 Method chunk iStar2ca guidelines -- 5.5.1 Concepts -- 5.5.2 Procedure -- 5.5.3 Notation -- 5.6 Method chunk ca2oom integration framework -- 5.6.1 Concepts -- 5.6.2 Procedure -- 5.6.3 Notation -- 5.7 Method chunk evolCA procedure -- 5.7.1 Concepts -- 5.7.2 Procedure -- 5.7.3 Notation -- 5.8 Method chunk Delta Analysis -- 5.8.1 Concepts -- 5.8.2 Procedure -- 5.8.3 Notation -- 5.9 Situational-oriented assembling of the TraceME chunks -- 5.10 Summary -- 6.1 Introduction. -6.2 Validation of the iStar2ca guidelines – a laboratory demonstration and comparative experiment -- 6.2.1 Laboratory demonstration -- 6.2.2 Comparative experiment -- 6.3 Validation of the Delta Analysis technique: Action research experience in everis Spain -- 6.3.1 Design of the action research in everis -- 6.3.2 Discussion -- 6.4 Validation of the ca2oom integration framework: an experiment for sensitive analysis -- 6.4.1 Experimental design -- 6.4.2 Experimental procedure -- 6.4.3 Conclusions and lessons learnt -- 6.5 Validation of the evolCA procedure: A feasibility analysis -- 6.5.1 Design and procedure -- 6.5.2 Conclusions and lessons learnt -- 6.6 Summary -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 The GREAT Process Modeller -- 7.3 Plug-in for the GoBIS framework -- 7.4 Plug-in the Delta Analysis technique -- 7.5 Summary -- 8.1 Wrap up: main contributions -- 8.2 Open challenges. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book presents TraceME, a traceability-based method for conceptual model evolution whose general purpose is to support the evolution of information systems. By providing a set of four TraceME chunks, TraceME is situational-oriented. In this way, it can be adapted to support different evolution projects by just assembling the TraceME chunks. To facilitate its industrial adoption, open source tools were developed and described which support the implementation of the TraceME chunks. The work presented highlights various research endeavors for the development of methods and techniques to automate the evolution of software systems. It explores the requirements engineering field as a steppingstone to a successful software development processes. In 2017, the underlying PhD dissertation won the "CAiSE PhD award", granted to outstanding PhD theses in the field of Information Systems Engineering. Enlace de acceso : [...]