Información del autor
Autor Zhou, Dalin |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (8)

12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part I / Yu, Haibin ; Liu, Jinguo ; Liu, Lianqing ; Ju, Zhaojie ; Liu, Yuwang ; Zhou, Dalin
TÃtulo : 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part I Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2019 Número de páginas: XVII, 754 p. 559 ilustraciones, 435 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-27526-6 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora Redes de comunicación informática Inteligencia artificial La interacción persona-ordenador Algoritmo Visión por computador Red inform Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: Promoting Constructive Interaction and Moral Behaviors using Adaptive Empathetic Learning -- A Fast Visual Feature Matching Algorithm in Multi-Robot Visual SLAM -- Mechanical Design and Kinematic Control of a Humanoid Robot Face -- LTF Robot: Binocular Robot with Laser-point Tracking and Focusing Function -- New rigid-soft coupling structure and its stiffness adjusting device -- Capacitive Sensing Based Knee-Angle Continuous Estimation by BP Neural Networks -- Concept and Prototype Design of A Soft Knee Exoskeleton with Continuum Structure (SoftKEX) -- An Improved Model to Estimate Muscle-tendon Mechanics and Energetics During Walking With a Passive Ankle Exoskeleton -- Modeling and analysis of human lower limb in walking motion -- A Self-Calibration Method for Mobile Manipulator -- Design and Development of a Linkage-Tendon Hybrid Driven Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand -- Predict Afferent Tactile Neural Signal for Artificial Nerve Based on Finite Element Human Hand Model -- Screw Displacement and Its Application to the In Vivo Identification of Finger Joint Axes -- A Cell Manipulation Method Based on Stagnation Point of Swirl -- Adaptive Threshold Processing of Secondary Electron Images in Scanning Electron Microscope -- Experimental study of the behavior of muscle cells on projection micro-stereolithography printed micro-structures -- Automatic micropipette tip detection and focusing in industrial micro-imaging system -- Morphologic Reconstruction of 2D Cellular Micro-scaffold Based on Digital Holographic Feedback -- An improved artificial potential field method for Path planning of mobile robot with subgoal adaptive selection -- Trajectory Planning for Digital Camouflage Spray Painting Robot Based on Projection Method -- Autonomous Fault-Tolerant Gait Planning Research for Electrically Driven Large-Load-Ratio Six-Legged Robot -- Long-term Real-time Correlation Filter Tracker for Mobile Robot -- IMU-aided Ultra-Wideband Based Localization for Coal Mine Robots.-Analysis and Optimization of the Drive System of the Mobile Robot Arm in Unmanned Mining Working Face -- A Flexure-based XY Precision Positioning Stage with Integrated Displacement PVDF Sensor -- A Generalized Mathematical Model for the Bridge-type and Lever-type Mechanism -- A novel giant magnetostrictive driven-vibration isolation stage based on compliant mechanism -- Topological synthesis of compliant mechanisms using a level set-based robust formulation -- Design and Modeling of a Continuous Soft Robot -- Flexure-Based Variable Stiffness Gripper for Large-Scale Grasping Force Regulation with Vision -- Kinetostatic modeling of redundantly actuated planar compliant parallel mechanism -- Design of screw fastening tool based on SEA -- Design of Morphing Wing Leading Edge with Compliant Mechanism -- A Novel Flexure Deflection Device with Damping Function Towards Laser Reflector of 3D Lithography -- Design and Analysis of a Planar 3-DOF Large Range Compliant Mechanism with Leaf-type Flexure -- Video-Guided Sound Source Separation -- In-hand manipulation for active object recognition -- Designing Bionic Path Robots to Minimize the Metabolic Cost of Human Movement -- Adaptive whole-arm grasping approach of tumbling space debris by two coordinated hyper-redundant manipulators -- Development of Bolt Screwing Tool Based on Pneumatic Slip Ring -- Deep Grasping Prediction with Antipodal Loss for Dual Arm Manipulators -- Artificial Neural Network based Tactile Sensing Unit for Robotic Hand -- Bounded Recursive Optimization Approach for Pose Estimation in Robotic Visual Servoing -- The Energy Management for the impact/vibration control in the Non-cooperative Space Target Capture -- Force Analysis and Experiment of Variable Stiffness Soft Actuator Based on Particle Jamming -- Close-range Angles-only Relative Navigation of Multi-Agent Cluster for On-orbit Servicing Mission -- Deep learning based noise level classification of Medical images -- Deep Learning Based Gesture Recognition and Its Application in Interactive Control of Intelligent Wheelchair -- Cross-Subject EEG-Based Emotion Recognition with Deep Domain Confusion -- Development of Mixed Reality Robot Control System Based on HoloLens -- Improvement of Mask-RCNN Object Segmentation Algorithm -- The multi-section design of a novel soft pneumatic robot arm with variable stiffness -- Nonlinear Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of Double Circular Arc Spiral Bevel Gear Nutation Drive -- Design and analysis of gear profile of two-tooth difference swing-rod movable teeth transmission system -- TRANSMISSION ERROR SIMULATION ANALYSIS FOR RV REDUCER WITH ORTHOGONAL EXPERIMENT METHOD -- Design and finite element analysis of fiber-reinforced soft pneumatic actuator -- Configuration Design and Simulation of Novel Petal Tooth Nutation Joint Drive for Robot -- A bio-inspired self-repair approach for modular self-reconfigurable robots -- Reconfigurable design and structure optimization of SCARA -- Modular Design of 7-DOF Cable-Driven Humanoid Arms -- Design and Locomotion Analysis of a Retractable Snake-like Robot Based on 2-RRU/URR Parallel Module -- A Nonsqueezing Torque Distribution Method for an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with Powered Castor Wheels -- A Two-Step Self-Calibration Method with Portable Measurement Devices for Industrial Robots Based on POE Formula -- Obstacle Avoidance of a redundant robot using virtual force field and null space projection -- Modeling of Torque Ripple for Integrated Robotic Joint. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and opticalsignal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation, control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part I [documento electrónico] / Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2019 . - XVII, 754 p. 559 ilustraciones, 435 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-27526-6
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora Redes de comunicación informática Inteligencia artificial La interacción persona-ordenador Algoritmo Visión por computador Red inform Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: Promoting Constructive Interaction and Moral Behaviors using Adaptive Empathetic Learning -- A Fast Visual Feature Matching Algorithm in Multi-Robot Visual SLAM -- Mechanical Design and Kinematic Control of a Humanoid Robot Face -- LTF Robot: Binocular Robot with Laser-point Tracking and Focusing Function -- New rigid-soft coupling structure and its stiffness adjusting device -- Capacitive Sensing Based Knee-Angle Continuous Estimation by BP Neural Networks -- Concept and Prototype Design of A Soft Knee Exoskeleton with Continuum Structure (SoftKEX) -- An Improved Model to Estimate Muscle-tendon Mechanics and Energetics During Walking With a Passive Ankle Exoskeleton -- Modeling and analysis of human lower limb in walking motion -- A Self-Calibration Method for Mobile Manipulator -- Design and Development of a Linkage-Tendon Hybrid Driven Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand -- Predict Afferent Tactile Neural Signal for Artificial Nerve Based on Finite Element Human Hand Model -- Screw Displacement and Its Application to the In Vivo Identification of Finger Joint Axes -- A Cell Manipulation Method Based on Stagnation Point of Swirl -- Adaptive Threshold Processing of Secondary Electron Images in Scanning Electron Microscope -- Experimental study of the behavior of muscle cells on projection micro-stereolithography printed micro-structures -- Automatic micropipette tip detection and focusing in industrial micro-imaging system -- Morphologic Reconstruction of 2D Cellular Micro-scaffold Based on Digital Holographic Feedback -- An improved artificial potential field method for Path planning of mobile robot with subgoal adaptive selection -- Trajectory Planning for Digital Camouflage Spray Painting Robot Based on Projection Method -- Autonomous Fault-Tolerant Gait Planning Research for Electrically Driven Large-Load-Ratio Six-Legged Robot -- Long-term Real-time Correlation Filter Tracker for Mobile Robot -- IMU-aided Ultra-Wideband Based Localization for Coal Mine Robots.-Analysis and Optimization of the Drive System of the Mobile Robot Arm in Unmanned Mining Working Face -- A Flexure-based XY Precision Positioning Stage with Integrated Displacement PVDF Sensor -- A Generalized Mathematical Model for the Bridge-type and Lever-type Mechanism -- A novel giant magnetostrictive driven-vibration isolation stage based on compliant mechanism -- Topological synthesis of compliant mechanisms using a level set-based robust formulation -- Design and Modeling of a Continuous Soft Robot -- Flexure-Based Variable Stiffness Gripper for Large-Scale Grasping Force Regulation with Vision -- Kinetostatic modeling of redundantly actuated planar compliant parallel mechanism -- Design of screw fastening tool based on SEA -- Design of Morphing Wing Leading Edge with Compliant Mechanism -- A Novel Flexure Deflection Device with Damping Function Towards Laser Reflector of 3D Lithography -- Design and Analysis of a Planar 3-DOF Large Range Compliant Mechanism with Leaf-type Flexure -- Video-Guided Sound Source Separation -- In-hand manipulation for active object recognition -- Designing Bionic Path Robots to Minimize the Metabolic Cost of Human Movement -- Adaptive whole-arm grasping approach of tumbling space debris by two coordinated hyper-redundant manipulators -- Development of Bolt Screwing Tool Based on Pneumatic Slip Ring -- Deep Grasping Prediction with Antipodal Loss for Dual Arm Manipulators -- Artificial Neural Network based Tactile Sensing Unit for Robotic Hand -- Bounded Recursive Optimization Approach for Pose Estimation in Robotic Visual Servoing -- The Energy Management for the impact/vibration control in the Non-cooperative Space Target Capture -- Force Analysis and Experiment of Variable Stiffness Soft Actuator Based on Particle Jamming -- Close-range Angles-only Relative Navigation of Multi-Agent Cluster for On-orbit Servicing Mission -- Deep learning based noise level classification of Medical images -- Deep Learning Based Gesture Recognition and Its Application in Interactive Control of Intelligent Wheelchair -- Cross-Subject EEG-Based Emotion Recognition with Deep Domain Confusion -- Development of Mixed Reality Robot Control System Based on HoloLens -- Improvement of Mask-RCNN Object Segmentation Algorithm -- The multi-section design of a novel soft pneumatic robot arm with variable stiffness -- Nonlinear Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of Double Circular Arc Spiral Bevel Gear Nutation Drive -- Design and analysis of gear profile of two-tooth difference swing-rod movable teeth transmission system -- TRANSMISSION ERROR SIMULATION ANALYSIS FOR RV REDUCER WITH ORTHOGONAL EXPERIMENT METHOD -- Design and finite element analysis of fiber-reinforced soft pneumatic actuator -- Configuration Design and Simulation of Novel Petal Tooth Nutation Joint Drive for Robot -- A bio-inspired self-repair approach for modular self-reconfigurable robots -- Reconfigurable design and structure optimization of SCARA -- Modular Design of 7-DOF Cable-Driven Humanoid Arms -- Design and Locomotion Analysis of a Retractable Snake-like Robot Based on 2-RRU/URR Parallel Module -- A Nonsqueezing Torque Distribution Method for an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with Powered Castor Wheels -- A Two-Step Self-Calibration Method with Portable Measurement Devices for Industrial Robots Based on POE Formula -- Obstacle Avoidance of a redundant robot using virtual force field and null space projection -- Modeling of Torque Ripple for Integrated Robotic Joint. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and opticalsignal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation, control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part II / Yu, Haibin ; Liu, Jinguo ; Liu, Lianqing ; Ju, Zhaojie ; Liu, Yuwang ; Zhou, Dalin
TÃtulo : 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part II Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2019 Número de páginas: XVII, 780 p. 573 ilustraciones, 465 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-27532-7 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Redes de comunicación informática Visión por computador Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Inteligencia artificial La interacción persona-ordenador Algoritmo Red informática Ordenador Interfaces de usuario (sistemas informá Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: Estimation of knee extension force using mechanomyography signals detected through clothing -- Angular velocity estimation of knee joint based on MMG signals -- Fingertip pulse wave detection and analysis based on PVDF piezoelectric thin film sensor -- Basic research on wireless remote control rabbit animal robot movement -- Design and Realization of A Bio-inspired Wall Climbing Robot for Rough Wall Surfaces -- the Graspable Algorithm for a Wall-climbing Robot with Claws -- Improved CPG model based on Hopf oscillator for gait design of a new type of hexapod robot -- A Novel Tracked Wall-Climbing Robot with Bio-Inspired Spine Feet -- A wall climbing robot arm capable of adapting to multiple contact wall surfaces -- Development of Control System with Double-closed Loop for a Multi-mode Wall-climbing robot -- Design of a Master-slave Composite Wall Climbing Robot System for Penstock Assembly Welding -- Numerical prediction of self-propulsion point of AUV with a discretized propeller and MFR method.-Underwater Image Restoration based on Red Channel and Haze-Lines prior -- A Survey of Underwater Acoustic SLAM System -- Improved Multi-Object Tracking Algorithm for Forward Looking Sonar Based on Rotation Estimation -- Numerical Simulation of Collision between an Oil Tanker and Ice -- Underwater de-scattering range-gated imaging based on numerical fitting and frequency domain filtering -- Threshold-dependent joint bilateral filter algorithm for enhancing 3D gated range-intensity correlation imaging -- A Launch and Recovery System for Unmanned Surface Vehicle based on Floating Bracket -- Finite Element Analyses of Working Principle of the Ultrasonic Needle-Droplet-Substrate System for Multiple-Function Manipulation -- Research on HDD-UJ Robot Joint Structure Design and Motion Regulation Strategy -- A Composite Controller for Piezoelectric Actuators based on Action Dependent Dual Heuristic Programming and Model Predictive Control -- Regenerative Chatter Control with Piezoelectric Actuator for Micro-structure Surface Turning -- Control and Testing of a Serial-Parallel XYZ Precision Positioner with a Discrete-Time Sliding Model Controller -- Modeling and Testing of a Novel Decoupled XY Nano-positioning Stage -- Effect of damping factor variation on eigenfrequency drift for ultrasonic motors -- Semantic Situation Extraction from Satellite Image based on Neural Networks -- Efficient ConvNet for Surface Object Recognition -- Deep Learning Based Fire Detection System for Surveillance Videos -- 3D Scanning and Multiple Point Cloud Registration with Active View Complementation for Panoramically Imaging Large-scale Plants -- Industrial Robot Sorting System for Municipal Solid Waste -- A Method Based on Data Fusion of Multiple Sensors to Evaluate Road Cleanliness -- A Grid-based Monte Carlo Localization with hierarchical free-form scan matching -- A Method to Deal With Recognition Deviation Based on Trajectory Estimation in Real-time Seam Tracking -- 3-D Dimension Measurement of Workpiece Based on Binocular Vision -- Co-simulation of Omnidirectional Mobile Platform Based on Fuzzy Control -- Static Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Robot Interaction -- Multi-sensor Based Human Balance Analysis -- Wrist motor function rehabilitation training and evaluation system based on human-computer interaction -- Novel Spread Spectrum Based Underwater Acoustic Communication Technology for Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Environments -- Application of PMN-PT piezoelectric monocrystal in wideband transducer with composite rod matching layer -- Optimal Anti-Submarine Search Path for UUV via an Adaptive Mutation Genetic Algorithm -- An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Search Path of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles -- An Efficient Turning Control Method Based on Coordinating Driving for an Underwater Snake-like Robot with a Propeller -- A review of Biomimetic Artificial Lateral Line Detection Technology for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles -- Design and Experimental Study of a New Flexible Driven ParallelSoft Massage Robot -- A vacuum-powered soft linear actuator strengthened by granular jamming -- A Soft Robot for Ground Crawling: Design and Analysis -- An Active Steering Soft Robot for Small-bore T-branch Pipeline -- Analysis and Application of the Bending Actuators Used in Soft Robotics -- A control system framework model for cloud robots based on service-oriented architecture -- A novel method for finger vein segmentation -- WSMR dynamics based DWA for leader-follower formation control -- Adaptive Position and Force Tracking Control in Teleoperation System with Time-varying Delays -- Designer of A Multi-DOF Adaptive Finger for Prosthetic Hand -- Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Based on RBF Neural Network for AUV Path Tracking -- Design of Control System and Human-Robot-Interaction System of Teleoperation Underwater Robot -- Detecting Untraversable Regions for Navigating Mobile Robot on Pedestrian Lanes -- A Prediction Method of Contact Force in Precise Teleoperation with Time Delay -- A Neural Network Based Method for Judging the Rationality of Litigation Request -- Design of a Wireless Six-axis Wrist Force Sensor for Teleoperation Robots -- Reorientation Control for A Microsatellite with Pointing and Angular Velocity Constraints -- Real-Time Trajectory Replanning for Quadrotor using OctoMap and Uniform B-splines -- Research on Safety Control Method of Multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle under Super-Strong Wind Field -- Analysis of Disturbance Effect of a Cable on Underwater Vehicle -- 3D UAV path planning using global-best brain storm optimization algorithm and artificial potential field. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation, control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part II [documento electrónico] / Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2019 . - XVII, 780 p. 573 ilustraciones, 465 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-27532-7
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Redes de comunicación informática Visión por computador Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Inteligencia artificial La interacción persona-ordenador Algoritmo Red informática Ordenador Interfaces de usuario (sistemas informá Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: Estimation of knee extension force using mechanomyography signals detected through clothing -- Angular velocity estimation of knee joint based on MMG signals -- Fingertip pulse wave detection and analysis based on PVDF piezoelectric thin film sensor -- Basic research on wireless remote control rabbit animal robot movement -- Design and Realization of A Bio-inspired Wall Climbing Robot for Rough Wall Surfaces -- the Graspable Algorithm for a Wall-climbing Robot with Claws -- Improved CPG model based on Hopf oscillator for gait design of a new type of hexapod robot -- A Novel Tracked Wall-Climbing Robot with Bio-Inspired Spine Feet -- A wall climbing robot arm capable of adapting to multiple contact wall surfaces -- Development of Control System with Double-closed Loop for a Multi-mode Wall-climbing robot -- Design of a Master-slave Composite Wall Climbing Robot System for Penstock Assembly Welding -- Numerical prediction of self-propulsion point of AUV with a discretized propeller and MFR method.-Underwater Image Restoration based on Red Channel and Haze-Lines prior -- A Survey of Underwater Acoustic SLAM System -- Improved Multi-Object Tracking Algorithm for Forward Looking Sonar Based on Rotation Estimation -- Numerical Simulation of Collision between an Oil Tanker and Ice -- Underwater de-scattering range-gated imaging based on numerical fitting and frequency domain filtering -- Threshold-dependent joint bilateral filter algorithm for enhancing 3D gated range-intensity correlation imaging -- A Launch and Recovery System for Unmanned Surface Vehicle based on Floating Bracket -- Finite Element Analyses of Working Principle of the Ultrasonic Needle-Droplet-Substrate System for Multiple-Function Manipulation -- Research on HDD-UJ Robot Joint Structure Design and Motion Regulation Strategy -- A Composite Controller for Piezoelectric Actuators based on Action Dependent Dual Heuristic Programming and Model Predictive Control -- Regenerative Chatter Control with Piezoelectric Actuator for Micro-structure Surface Turning -- Control and Testing of a Serial-Parallel XYZ Precision Positioner with a Discrete-Time Sliding Model Controller -- Modeling and Testing of a Novel Decoupled XY Nano-positioning Stage -- Effect of damping factor variation on eigenfrequency drift for ultrasonic motors -- Semantic Situation Extraction from Satellite Image based on Neural Networks -- Efficient ConvNet for Surface Object Recognition -- Deep Learning Based Fire Detection System for Surveillance Videos -- 3D Scanning and Multiple Point Cloud Registration with Active View Complementation for Panoramically Imaging Large-scale Plants -- Industrial Robot Sorting System for Municipal Solid Waste -- A Method Based on Data Fusion of Multiple Sensors to Evaluate Road Cleanliness -- A Grid-based Monte Carlo Localization with hierarchical free-form scan matching -- A Method to Deal With Recognition Deviation Based on Trajectory Estimation in Real-time Seam Tracking -- 3-D Dimension Measurement of Workpiece Based on Binocular Vision -- Co-simulation of Omnidirectional Mobile Platform Based on Fuzzy Control -- Static Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Robot Interaction -- Multi-sensor Based Human Balance Analysis -- Wrist motor function rehabilitation training and evaluation system based on human-computer interaction -- Novel Spread Spectrum Based Underwater Acoustic Communication Technology for Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Environments -- Application of PMN-PT piezoelectric monocrystal in wideband transducer with composite rod matching layer -- Optimal Anti-Submarine Search Path for UUV via an Adaptive Mutation Genetic Algorithm -- An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Search Path of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles -- An Efficient Turning Control Method Based on Coordinating Driving for an Underwater Snake-like Robot with a Propeller -- A review of Biomimetic Artificial Lateral Line Detection Technology for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles -- Design and Experimental Study of a New Flexible Driven ParallelSoft Massage Robot -- A vacuum-powered soft linear actuator strengthened by granular jamming -- A Soft Robot for Ground Crawling: Design and Analysis -- An Active Steering Soft Robot for Small-bore T-branch Pipeline -- Analysis and Application of the Bending Actuators Used in Soft Robotics -- A control system framework model for cloud robots based on service-oriented architecture -- A novel method for finger vein segmentation -- WSMR dynamics based DWA for leader-follower formation control -- Adaptive Position and Force Tracking Control in Teleoperation System with Time-varying Delays -- Designer of A Multi-DOF Adaptive Finger for Prosthetic Hand -- Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Based on RBF Neural Network for AUV Path Tracking -- Design of Control System and Human-Robot-Interaction System of Teleoperation Underwater Robot -- Detecting Untraversable Regions for Navigating Mobile Robot on Pedestrian Lanes -- A Prediction Method of Contact Force in Precise Teleoperation with Time Delay -- A Neural Network Based Method for Judging the Rationality of Litigation Request -- Design of a Wireless Six-axis Wrist Force Sensor for Teleoperation Robots -- Reorientation Control for A Microsatellite with Pointing and Angular Velocity Constraints -- Real-Time Trajectory Replanning for Quadrotor using OctoMap and Uniform B-splines -- Research on Safety Control Method of Multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle under Super-Strong Wind Field -- Analysis of Disturbance Effect of a Cable on Underwater Vehicle -- 3D UAV path planning using global-best brain storm optimization algorithm and artificial potential field. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation, control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part III / Yu, Haibin ; Liu, Jinguo ; Liu, Lianqing ; Ju, Zhaojie ; Liu, Yuwang ; Zhou, Dalin
TÃtulo : 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part III Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2019 Número de páginas: XVI, 743 p. 511 ilustraciones, 415 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-27535-8 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Visión por computador Algoritmo Redes de comunicación informática Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Inteligencia artificial Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora Red informática Ordenador La interacción p Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: Parameter Optimization of eel robot based on NSGA-II algorithm -- A Novel Dual-drive Soft Pneumatic Actuator with the Improved Output Force -- Research on motion evolution of soft robot based on VoxCAD -- A gecko-inspired robot employs scaling footpads to facilitate stable attachment -- Measurement Method of Underwater Target Based on Binocular Vision -- Method on Human Activity Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network -- A Web Based Security Monitoring and Information Management System for Nursing homes -- Region of Interest Growing Neural Gas for Real-time Point Cloud Processing -- Detection of Divergence Point of the Optical Flow Vectors Considering to Gaze Point while Vehicle Cornering -- Automatic fiber detection and focus system from image frames. -- Lifelog Generation Based on Informationally Structured Space -- A Soft Robotic Glove for Hand Rehabilitation using Pneumatic Actuators with Variable Stiffness -- Visual Servoing of Soft Robotic Arms by Binocular -- Design of a Teleoperated Rod-driven Continuum Robot -- Aerodynamics of soft flapping wings of Caudipteryx -- A Finite Element Model and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Continuum Robot -- Design and experiment of a foldable pneumatic soft manipulator -- Underwater image target detection with cascade classifier and image preprocessing method -- Autopilot System of Remotely Operated Vehicle Based on Ardupilot -- Optimized SOM Algorithm to Solve Problem of Invalid Task Allocation -- Multiple underwater target search path planning based on GBNN -- Path Planning For Swarm AUV Visiting Communication Node -- A dynamic tracking control for the 4500m-Human Occupied Vehicle -- Development of A Full Ocean Depth Hydraulic Manipulator System -- Thruster fault identification for autonomous underwater vehicle based on time-domain energy and time-frequency entropy of fusion signal -- Design and Implementation of Monitoring System for Deep Sea Ore Sampling Machine -- An Automated Launch and Recovery System for USVs based onthe Pneumatic Ejection Mechanism -- The UAV path planning method based on lidar -- CSLAM and GPS based Navigation for Multi-UAV Cooperative Transportation System -- A New Concept of UAV Recovering System -- Design and Integration of a Reconfiguration Robot -- The longitudinal stability of FWMAVs considering the oscillation of body in forward flight -- Design and Control of a Small Intelligent Camera Stabilizer for a Flapping-wing Robotic Bird -- Movement-Mode-Switching Mechanism for a Hybrid Wheel/legged Mobile Robot -- Two Experimental Methods to Test the Aerodynamic Performance of HITHawk -- Tension Optimization of A Cable-DrivenCoupling Manipulator Based on RobotDynamics with Cable Elasticity -- Structure design and kinematic analysis of a partially-decoupled 3T1R parallel manipulator -- A New Four-limb Parallel Schoenflies Motion Generator with End-effector Full-Circle Rotation via Planetary Gear Train -- Design and Kinematic Analysis on A Novel Serial-Parallel Hybrid Leg for Quadruped Robot -- A Novel 5-DOF Hybrid Robot without Singularity Configurations -- Select and focus: action recognition with spatial-temporal attention -- Real-time Grasp Type Recognition Using Leap Motion Controller -- Speaker-Independent Speech Emotion Recognition Based on CNN-BLSTM and Multiple SVMs -- On-Line Identification of Moment of Inertia for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based On Model Reference Adaptive System -- Multi-Point Interaction Force Estimation for Robot Manipulators with Flexible Joints Using Joint Torque Sensors -- An Insulator Image Segmentation Method for Live Working Robot Platform -- Multi-robot Collaborative Assembly Research for 3C Manufacturing--Taking Server Motherboard Assembly Task as an Example -- Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Swarm Confrontation Environments -- Distributed Adaptive Formation Control of Team of Aerial Robot Swarms in Cluttered Environments -- Resource planning for UAV swarms based on NSGA-II -- An improved OLSR protocol based on Task driven used for Military UAV Swarm Network -- A Semantic Segmentation based Lidar SLAM system towards Dynamic Environments-Rui Jian -- Fault-tolerant Control of Robotic Manipulators with/without Output Constraints -- Toward human-in-the-loop PID control based on CACLA reinforcement learning -- A Preliminary Study on Surface Electromyography Signal Analysis for Motion Characterization during Catheterization -- Design and Control of a Novel Series Elastic Actuator for Knee Exoskeleton -- Comparison of Different Schemes for Motion Control of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle using Fast Switching Valve -- Recognition of Pes Cavus Foot using Smart Insole: A Pilot Study -- Controller Design by Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation with Changeable Sliding Window -- Robust Adaptive Force Tracking Impedance Control for Robotic Capturing of Unknown Objects -- Robust Controller Design for Non-Linear System with Perturbation Compensation -- Trajectory Tracking Control of a 7-Axis Robot Arm Using SMCSPO -- Research on Control Algorithms of Underactuated Gymnastic Robot's Leaping Between Horizontal Bar -- Design and Simulation of a Push Recovery Strategy for Biped Robot -- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Inclined Impact oscillator with a Harmonically External Excitation. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation,control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part III [documento electrónico] / Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2019 . - XVI, 743 p. 511 ilustraciones, 415 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-27535-8
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Visión por computador Algoritmo Redes de comunicación informática Sistemas de propósito especial y basados ​​en aplicaciones Inteligencia artificial Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora Red informática Ordenador La interacción p Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: Parameter Optimization of eel robot based on NSGA-II algorithm -- A Novel Dual-drive Soft Pneumatic Actuator with the Improved Output Force -- Research on motion evolution of soft robot based on VoxCAD -- A gecko-inspired robot employs scaling footpads to facilitate stable attachment -- Measurement Method of Underwater Target Based on Binocular Vision -- Method on Human Activity Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network -- A Web Based Security Monitoring and Information Management System for Nursing homes -- Region of Interest Growing Neural Gas for Real-time Point Cloud Processing -- Detection of Divergence Point of the Optical Flow Vectors Considering to Gaze Point while Vehicle Cornering -- Automatic fiber detection and focus system from image frames. -- Lifelog Generation Based on Informationally Structured Space -- A Soft Robotic Glove for Hand Rehabilitation using Pneumatic Actuators with Variable Stiffness -- Visual Servoing of Soft Robotic Arms by Binocular -- Design of a Teleoperated Rod-driven Continuum Robot -- Aerodynamics of soft flapping wings of Caudipteryx -- A Finite Element Model and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Continuum Robot -- Design and experiment of a foldable pneumatic soft manipulator -- Underwater image target detection with cascade classifier and image preprocessing method -- Autopilot System of Remotely Operated Vehicle Based on Ardupilot -- Optimized SOM Algorithm to Solve Problem of Invalid Task Allocation -- Multiple underwater target search path planning based on GBNN -- Path Planning For Swarm AUV Visiting Communication Node -- A dynamic tracking control for the 4500m-Human Occupied Vehicle -- Development of A Full Ocean Depth Hydraulic Manipulator System -- Thruster fault identification for autonomous underwater vehicle based on time-domain energy and time-frequency entropy of fusion signal -- Design and Implementation of Monitoring System for Deep Sea Ore Sampling Machine -- An Automated Launch and Recovery System for USVs based onthe Pneumatic Ejection Mechanism -- The UAV path planning method based on lidar -- CSLAM and GPS based Navigation for Multi-UAV Cooperative Transportation System -- A New Concept of UAV Recovering System -- Design and Integration of a Reconfiguration Robot -- The longitudinal stability of FWMAVs considering the oscillation of body in forward flight -- Design and Control of a Small Intelligent Camera Stabilizer for a Flapping-wing Robotic Bird -- Movement-Mode-Switching Mechanism for a Hybrid Wheel/legged Mobile Robot -- Two Experimental Methods to Test the Aerodynamic Performance of HITHawk -- Tension Optimization of A Cable-DrivenCoupling Manipulator Based on RobotDynamics with Cable Elasticity -- Structure design and kinematic analysis of a partially-decoupled 3T1R parallel manipulator -- A New Four-limb Parallel Schoenflies Motion Generator with End-effector Full-Circle Rotation via Planetary Gear Train -- Design and Kinematic Analysis on A Novel Serial-Parallel Hybrid Leg for Quadruped Robot -- A Novel 5-DOF Hybrid Robot without Singularity Configurations -- Select and focus: action recognition with spatial-temporal attention -- Real-time Grasp Type Recognition Using Leap Motion Controller -- Speaker-Independent Speech Emotion Recognition Based on CNN-BLSTM and Multiple SVMs -- On-Line Identification of Moment of Inertia for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based On Model Reference Adaptive System -- Multi-Point Interaction Force Estimation for Robot Manipulators with Flexible Joints Using Joint Torque Sensors -- An Insulator Image Segmentation Method for Live Working Robot Platform -- Multi-robot Collaborative Assembly Research for 3C Manufacturing--Taking Server Motherboard Assembly Task as an Example -- Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Swarm Confrontation Environments -- Distributed Adaptive Formation Control of Team of Aerial Robot Swarms in Cluttered Environments -- Resource planning for UAV swarms based on NSGA-II -- An improved OLSR protocol based on Task driven used for Military UAV Swarm Network -- A Semantic Segmentation based Lidar SLAM system towards Dynamic Environments-Rui Jian -- Fault-tolerant Control of Robotic Manipulators with/without Output Constraints -- Toward human-in-the-loop PID control based on CACLA reinforcement learning -- A Preliminary Study on Surface Electromyography Signal Analysis for Motion Characterization during Catheterization -- Design and Control of a Novel Series Elastic Actuator for Knee Exoskeleton -- Comparison of Different Schemes for Motion Control of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle using Fast Switching Valve -- Recognition of Pes Cavus Foot using Smart Insole: A Pilot Study -- Controller Design by Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation with Changeable Sliding Window -- Robust Adaptive Force Tracking Impedance Control for Robotic Capturing of Unknown Objects -- Robust Controller Design for Non-Linear System with Perturbation Compensation -- Trajectory Tracking Control of a 7-Axis Robot Arm Using SMCSPO -- Research on Control Algorithms of Underactuated Gymnastic Robot's Leaping Between Horizontal Bar -- Design and Simulation of a Push Recovery Strategy for Biped Robot -- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Inclined Impact oscillator with a Harmonically External Excitation. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation,control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part IV / Yu, Haibin ; Liu, Jinguo ; Liu, Lianqing ; Ju, Zhaojie ; Liu, Yuwang ; Zhou, Dalin
TÃtulo : 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part IV Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2019 Número de páginas: XVI, 737 p. 468 ilustraciones, 376 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-27538-9 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Simulación por ordenador Modelado por computadora Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora Visión por computador IngenierÃa Informática y Redes Algoritmo La interacción persona-ordenador Inteligencia artificial Interfaces de usuario (sistemas informáticos) Red informática IngenierÃa Informática Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: User Association and Power Allocation in UAV-based SWIPT System -- Joint Location Selection and Supply Allocation for UAV Aided Disaster Response System -- Energy Minimization for Rotary-Wing UAV Enabled WPCN -- Secrecy Energy efficiency maximization for UAV-aided communication systems -- An Efficient Image Quality Assessment Guidance Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle -- Equal Gain Combining Based Sub-Optimum Posterior Noncoherent Fusion Rule for Wireless Sensor Networks -- Secure Transmission Design for UAV-Based SWIPT Networks -- Spectrum Sharing Scheme for Multi-UAVs Relay Network Based on Matching Theory -- A Hybrid Multiagent Collision Avoidance Method for Formation Control -- Improved neural network 3D space obstacle avoidance algorithm for mobile robot -- An Improved A* Algorithm Based on Loop Iterative Optimization in Mobile Robot Path Planning -- Indoor Environment RGB-DT Mapping for Security Mobile Robots -- Navigate to Remember: A Declarative Memory Model for Incremental Semantic Mapping -- Variable Universe Fuzzy Control for Direct Yaw Moment of Distributed Drive Electric Vehicle -- Observer and Controller Design for State-Delay Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Subjected to Unknown Time-Varying Output Delays -- Force control polishing device based on fuzzy adaptive impedance control -- A Study of TSK Inference Approaches for Control Problems -- FES Proportional Tuning Based on sEMG -- Application of Haptic Virtual Fixtures on Hot-line Work Robot-assisted Manipulation -- Haptic Feedback with a Reservoir Computing-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Multiple Terrain Classification of a Walking Robot -- Kinematic Characteristics Analysis of a Double-ring Truss Deployable Antenna Mechanism -- Conceptual Design of Ejection, Aerostat and Rolling Group Detectors -- Experimental Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Truss Structure for Modular Space Deployable Truss Antenna -- The Study of Wheel Driving Torque Optimization of Mars Rover with Active Suspension in Obstacle Crossing -- Designing, Modeling and Testing of the Flexible Space Probe-Cone Docking and Refueling Mechanism -- Dynamics modeling method of module manipulator using Spatial Operator Algebra -- Object Dimension Measurement Based on Mask R-CNN -- Research on Spatial Target Classification and Recognition Technology Based on Deep Learning -- Planetary Rover Path Planning Based on Improved A* Algorithm -- A Self-calibration Method of Lander Manipulator for Deep Space Exploration Mission -- A Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Intelligent Manipulation -- Virtual-sensor-based Planetary Soil Classification with Legged Robots -- Virtual force senor based on PSO-BP neural network for legged robots in planetary exploration -- A Smooth Gait Planning Framework for Quadruped Robot Based on Virtual Model Control -- An Adaptive Parameter Identification Algorithm for Post-capture of a Tumbling Target -- Review of Research on the Chinese Space Station Robots -- Design of a Sensor Insole for Gait Analysis -- Multiple Features Fusion System for Motion Recognition -- Classification Methods of sEMG Through Weighted Representation-based K-nearest Neighbor -- A Soft Capacitive Wearable Sensing System for Lower-limb Motion Monitoring -- Fault diagnosis and prediction method of SPC for engine block based on LSTM neural network -- Real Time Object Detection Based on Deep Neural Network -- A Fast and Robust Template Matching Method with Rotated Gradient Features and Image Pyramid -- Surface Defect Inspection Under a Small Training Set Condition -- A Collision-free Path Planning Method using Direct Behavior Cloning -- 3D Pose Estimation of Robot Arm with RGB Images Based on Deep Learning -- Straightness error assessment of linear axis of CNC machine tool based on data-drive method -- View Invariant Human Action Recognition Using 3D Geometric Features -- Non-concentric Circular Texture Removal for Workpiece Defect Detection -- Sound source localization based on PSVM algorithm -- Multi-scale densely connected dehazing network -- Residual Attention Regression for 3D Hand Pose Estimation -- Fixation Based Object Recognition in Autism Clinic Setting -- Towards Deep Learning based Robot Automatic Choreography System -- An Underwater Robot Positioning Method based on EM-ELF Signals -- Stereo Visual SLAM Using Bag of Point and Line Word Pairs -- Design and Recognition of Two-Dimensional Code for Mobile Robot Positioning -- A Separate Data Structure For Online Multi-hypothesis Topological Mapping -- Indoor navigation system using the Fetch robot -- Keyframe-based dynamic elimination SLAM system using YOLO detection -- Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM with Camera-IMU Extrinsic Automatic Calibration and Online Estimation -- An Online Motion Planning Approach of Mobile Robots in Distinctive Homotopic Classes by a Sparse Roadmap. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation,control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part IV [documento electrónico] / Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2019 . - XVI, 737 p. 468 ilustraciones, 376 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-27538-9
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Simulación por ordenador Modelado por computadora Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora Visión por computador IngenierÃa Informática y Redes Algoritmo La interacción persona-ordenador Inteligencia artificial Interfaces de usuario (sistemas informáticos) Red informática IngenierÃa Informática Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: User Association and Power Allocation in UAV-based SWIPT System -- Joint Location Selection and Supply Allocation for UAV Aided Disaster Response System -- Energy Minimization for Rotary-Wing UAV Enabled WPCN -- Secrecy Energy efficiency maximization for UAV-aided communication systems -- An Efficient Image Quality Assessment Guidance Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle -- Equal Gain Combining Based Sub-Optimum Posterior Noncoherent Fusion Rule for Wireless Sensor Networks -- Secure Transmission Design for UAV-Based SWIPT Networks -- Spectrum Sharing Scheme for Multi-UAVs Relay Network Based on Matching Theory -- A Hybrid Multiagent Collision Avoidance Method for Formation Control -- Improved neural network 3D space obstacle avoidance algorithm for mobile robot -- An Improved A* Algorithm Based on Loop Iterative Optimization in Mobile Robot Path Planning -- Indoor Environment RGB-DT Mapping for Security Mobile Robots -- Navigate to Remember: A Declarative Memory Model for Incremental Semantic Mapping -- Variable Universe Fuzzy Control for Direct Yaw Moment of Distributed Drive Electric Vehicle -- Observer and Controller Design for State-Delay Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Subjected to Unknown Time-Varying Output Delays -- Force control polishing device based on fuzzy adaptive impedance control -- A Study of TSK Inference Approaches for Control Problems -- FES Proportional Tuning Based on sEMG -- Application of Haptic Virtual Fixtures on Hot-line Work Robot-assisted Manipulation -- Haptic Feedback with a Reservoir Computing-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Multiple Terrain Classification of a Walking Robot -- Kinematic Characteristics Analysis of a Double-ring Truss Deployable Antenna Mechanism -- Conceptual Design of Ejection, Aerostat and Rolling Group Detectors -- Experimental Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Truss Structure for Modular Space Deployable Truss Antenna -- The Study of Wheel Driving Torque Optimization of Mars Rover with Active Suspension in Obstacle Crossing -- Designing, Modeling and Testing of the Flexible Space Probe-Cone Docking and Refueling Mechanism -- Dynamics modeling method of module manipulator using Spatial Operator Algebra -- Object Dimension Measurement Based on Mask R-CNN -- Research on Spatial Target Classification and Recognition Technology Based on Deep Learning -- Planetary Rover Path Planning Based on Improved A* Algorithm -- A Self-calibration Method of Lander Manipulator for Deep Space Exploration Mission -- A Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Intelligent Manipulation -- Virtual-sensor-based Planetary Soil Classification with Legged Robots -- Virtual force senor based on PSO-BP neural network for legged robots in planetary exploration -- A Smooth Gait Planning Framework for Quadruped Robot Based on Virtual Model Control -- An Adaptive Parameter Identification Algorithm for Post-capture of a Tumbling Target -- Review of Research on the Chinese Space Station Robots -- Design of a Sensor Insole for Gait Analysis -- Multiple Features Fusion System for Motion Recognition -- Classification Methods of sEMG Through Weighted Representation-based K-nearest Neighbor -- A Soft Capacitive Wearable Sensing System for Lower-limb Motion Monitoring -- Fault diagnosis and prediction method of SPC for engine block based on LSTM neural network -- Real Time Object Detection Based on Deep Neural Network -- A Fast and Robust Template Matching Method with Rotated Gradient Features and Image Pyramid -- Surface Defect Inspection Under a Small Training Set Condition -- A Collision-free Path Planning Method using Direct Behavior Cloning -- 3D Pose Estimation of Robot Arm with RGB Images Based on Deep Learning -- Straightness error assessment of linear axis of CNC machine tool based on data-drive method -- View Invariant Human Action Recognition Using 3D Geometric Features -- Non-concentric Circular Texture Removal for Workpiece Defect Detection -- Sound source localization based on PSVM algorithm -- Multi-scale densely connected dehazing network -- Residual Attention Regression for 3D Hand Pose Estimation -- Fixation Based Object Recognition in Autism Clinic Setting -- Towards Deep Learning based Robot Automatic Choreography System -- An Underwater Robot Positioning Method based on EM-ELF Signals -- Stereo Visual SLAM Using Bag of Point and Line Word Pairs -- Design and Recognition of Two-Dimensional Code for Mobile Robot Positioning -- A Separate Data Structure For Online Multi-hypothesis Topological Mapping -- Indoor navigation system using the Fetch robot -- Keyframe-based dynamic elimination SLAM system using YOLO detection -- Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM with Camera-IMU Extrinsic Automatic Calibration and Online Estimation -- An Online Motion Planning Approach of Mobile Robots in Distinctive Homotopic Classes by a Sparse Roadmap. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation,control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part V / Yu, Haibin ; Liu, Jinguo ; Liu, Lianqing ; Ju, Zhaojie ; Liu, Yuwang ; Zhou, Dalin
TÃtulo : 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part V Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2019 Número de páginas: XVI, 753 p. 571 ilustraciones, 393 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-27541-9 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: IngenierÃa Informática y Redes Simulación por ordenador Visión por computador Modelado por computadora Inteligencia artificial Algoritmo Interfaces de usuario (sistemas informáticos) Red informática IngenierÃa Informática Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora La interacción persona-ordenador Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: SLIP Model-based Foot-to-Ground Contact Sensation via Kalman Filter for Miniaturized Quadruped Robots -- Stability Analysis and Fixed Radius Turning Planning of Hexapod Robot -- The Mechanical Design and Torque Control for the Ankle Exoskeleton During Human Walking -- Stable 3D Biped Walking Control with Speed Regulation Based on Generalized Virtual Constraints -- Specular Surface Measurement with Laser Plane Constraint to Reduce Erroneous Points -- Viewpoint Planning of Robot Measurement System Based on V-REP Platform -- Research on Measurement and Deformation of Flexible Wing Flapping Parameters -- Robot Programming Language Based On VB Scripting for Robot Motion Control -- A study of real-time EEG-feedback on attention combined with virtual reality -- Continuous estimation of grasp kinematics with real-time surface EMG decomposition -- Intelligent Robot Arm: Vision-based Dynamic Measurement System for Industrial Applications -- Research on Autonomous Face Recognition System for Spatial Human-robotic Interaction based on Deep Learning -- KPCA-based Visual Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Industrial Process -- Data Denosing Processing of the Operating State of the Robotic Arm of Coal Sampling Robot -- A study on step-by-step calibration of robot based on multi-vision measurement -- Characteristic Frequency Input Neural Network for Inertia Identification of Tumbling Space Target. -- An FFT-based method for analysis, modeling and identification of kinematic error in harmonic drives -- Real-Time Human-Posture Recognition for Human-Drone Interaction using Monocular Vision -- HSVM-based human activity recognition using smartphones -- Human-AGV Interaction: Real-time Gesture Detection Using Deep Learning -- Coverage Path Planning for Complex Structures Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) -- Development of Four Rotor Fire Extinguishing System for Synchronized Monitoring of Air and Ground for Fire Fighting -- A Small Envelope Gait Control Algorithm based on FTL Method for Snake-Like Pipe Robot -- Trajectory Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Backstepping -- The Design of Inspection Robot Navigation Systems Based on Distributed Vision -- Mobile Robot Autonomous Navigation and Dynamic Environmental Adaptation in Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes -- Movement Analysis of Rotating-finger Cable Inspection Robot -- Autonomous Indoor Mobile Robot Exploration Based on Wavefront Algorithm -- Multi-robot path planning for complete coverage with genetic algorithms -- Design and Magnetic Force Analysis of Patrol Robot for Deep Shaft Rigid Cage Guide -- Improved Driving Stability with Series Elastic Actuator and Velocity Controller -- Monocular vision-based dynamic moving obstacles detection and avoidance -- Path planning based navigation using LIDAR for an Ackerman Unmanned Ground Vehicle -- Improved Simple Linear Iterative Clustering Algorithm Using HSL Color Space -- Active Affordance Exploration for Robot Grasping -- Multi-Vehicle Detection and Tracking Based on Kalman Filter and Data Association -- Multi-scale Feature Fusion Single Shot Object Detector Based on DenseNet -- Semi-direct Tracking and Mapping with RGB-D Camera -- Two-person Interaction Recognition Based on Video Sparse Representation and Improved Spatio-Temporal Feature -- Human Interaction Recognition based on the Co-occurring Visual Matrix Sequence -- A stereo matching method combining feature and area information for power line inspection -- Image Stitching Based on Improved SURF Algorithm -- Neural Network based Electronics Segmentation -- Visual-based Crack Detection and Skeleton Extraction of Cement Surface -- Visual Servoing Control Based on Reconstructed 3D Features -- Landmark based eye ratio estimation for driver fatigue detection -- Automatic analysis of calibration board image orientation for online hand-eye calibration -- Image Deblurring Based on Fuzzy Kernel Estimation in HSV Color Space -- Infrared and Visible Image Fusion: A Region-based Deep Learning Method -- A Coarse RegistrationAlgorithm between 3D Point Cloud and CAD Model of Non-cooperative Object for Space Manipulator -- Dexterity-based dimension optimization of Muti-Dof robotic manipulator -- Design and Experimental Analysis of a Planar Compliant Parallel Manipulator -- Safety and waterproof design of multi-functional assisted bath robot -- Dynamics Analysis of 3-CPaR&R1R2 Hybrid Mechanism with Joint Clearance -- Underactuated robot passability analysis and optimization -- A Novel Hedgehog-inspired Pin-array Robot Hand with Multiple Magnetic Pins for Adaptive Grasping -- Kinematic analysis of a flexible planar 2- DOF parallel manipulator -- Dual-source fluid bending and side-swing compound multi-joint finger -- Design and Simulation of a Miniature Jumping Gliding Robot on Water Surface -- Towards Intelligent Maintenance of Thermal Power Plants: A Novel Robot for Checking Water Wall Tube -- Configuration Change and Mobility Analysis of a novel metamorphic parallel mechanism constructed with (rA) joint . Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation,control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part V [documento electrónico] / Yu, Haibin, ; Liu, Jinguo, ; Liu, Lianqing, ; Ju, Zhaojie, ; Liu, Yuwang, ; Zhou, Dalin, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2019 . - XVI, 753 p. 571 ilustraciones, 393 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-27541-9
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: IngenierÃa Informática y Redes Simulación por ordenador Visión por computador Modelado por computadora Inteligencia artificial Algoritmo Interfaces de usuario (sistemas informáticos) Red informática IngenierÃa Informática Interfaces de usuario e interacción persona-computadora La interacción persona-ordenador Clasificación: 006.3 Resumen: El volumen establecido desde LNAI 11740 hasta LNAI 11745 constituye las actas de la 12.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Robótica y Aplicaciones Inteligentes, ICIRA 2019, celebrada en Shenyang, China, en agosto de 2019. El total de 378 artÃculos completos y 25 breves presentados en estas actas fue cuidadosamente revisado y seleccionado entre 522 presentaciones. Los artÃculos están organizados en secciones temáticas de la siguiente manera: Parte I: robots colectivos y sociales; biomecánica humana y robótica centrada en el ser humano; robótica para manipulación y caracterización celular; robots de campo; mecanismos compatibles; agarre y manipulación robótica con información incompleta y fuertes perturbaciones; robótica centrada en el ser humano; desarrollo de accionamientos conjuntos de alto rendimiento para robots; robots modulares y otros sistemas mecatrónicos; aprendizaje y control de manipulación compatible para robots livianos. Parte II: sistema y control asistidos por energÃa; robot trepador de pared de inspiración biológica; procesamiento de señales ópticas y acústicas submarinas para la cognición ambiental; actuadores piezoeléctricos y manipulaciones micronano; visión de robots y comprensión de escenas; aprendizaje visual y motriz en robótica; procesamiento de señales y robots biónicos submarinos; robot de locomoción blanda; robot de teleoperación; Control autónomo de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Parte III: robótica marina bioinspirada y robótica blanda: materiales, mecanismos, modelado y control; tecnologÃas de inteligencia robótica e integración de sistemas; mecanismos continuos y robots; vehÃculos submarinos no tripulados; robots inteligentes para detección de entornos o manipulación fina; robótica paralela; colaboración humano-robot; inteligencia de enjambre y cooperación entre múltiples robots; sistema de control adaptativo y de aprendizaje; dispositivos y robots portátiles y de asistencia para la atención sanitaria; Sistemas no lineales y control. Parte IV: sistema no tripulado de inteligencia de enjambre; navegación robótica y SLAM inspiradas en inteligencia computacional; modelado difuso para automatización, control y robótica; desarrollo de pelÃculas ultrafinas, sensores flexibles y sensaciones táctiles; tecnologÃa robótica para la exploración del espacio profundo; rehabilitación de la función motora de las extremidades basada en sensores portátiles; reconocimiento de patrones y aprendizaje automático; navegación/localización. Parte V: locomoción con patas de robot; sistema avanzado de medición y visión artificial; interacciones hombre-máquina; detección, prueba y diagnóstico de fallas; estimación e identificación; robots móviles y sistemas autónomos inteligentes; visión, reconocimiento y reconstrucción robótica; Mecanismo y diseño del robot. Parte VI: análisis y planificación del movimiento de robots; diseño, desarrollo y control de robots; robot médico; inteligencia, aprendizaje y lingüÃstica de robots; control de movimiento; fabricación integrada por ordenador; cooperación de robots; realidad virtual y aumentada; educación en ingenierÃa mecatrónica; tecnologÃa robótica de perforación y muestreo; sistemas automotrices; mecatrónica en sistemas energéticos; interacción humano-robot. Nota de contenido: SLIP Model-based Foot-to-Ground Contact Sensation via Kalman Filter for Miniaturized Quadruped Robots -- Stability Analysis and Fixed Radius Turning Planning of Hexapod Robot -- The Mechanical Design and Torque Control for the Ankle Exoskeleton During Human Walking -- Stable 3D Biped Walking Control with Speed Regulation Based on Generalized Virtual Constraints -- Specular Surface Measurement with Laser Plane Constraint to Reduce Erroneous Points -- Viewpoint Planning of Robot Measurement System Based on V-REP Platform -- Research on Measurement and Deformation of Flexible Wing Flapping Parameters -- Robot Programming Language Based On VB Scripting for Robot Motion Control -- A study of real-time EEG-feedback on attention combined with virtual reality -- Continuous estimation of grasp kinematics with real-time surface EMG decomposition -- Intelligent Robot Arm: Vision-based Dynamic Measurement System for Industrial Applications -- Research on Autonomous Face Recognition System for Spatial Human-robotic Interaction based on Deep Learning -- KPCA-based Visual Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Industrial Process -- Data Denosing Processing of the Operating State of the Robotic Arm of Coal Sampling Robot -- A study on step-by-step calibration of robot based on multi-vision measurement -- Characteristic Frequency Input Neural Network for Inertia Identification of Tumbling Space Target. -- An FFT-based method for analysis, modeling and identification of kinematic error in harmonic drives -- Real-Time Human-Posture Recognition for Human-Drone Interaction using Monocular Vision -- HSVM-based human activity recognition using smartphones -- Human-AGV Interaction: Real-time Gesture Detection Using Deep Learning -- Coverage Path Planning for Complex Structures Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) -- Development of Four Rotor Fire Extinguishing System for Synchronized Monitoring of Air and Ground for Fire Fighting -- A Small Envelope Gait Control Algorithm based on FTL Method for Snake-Like Pipe Robot -- Trajectory Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Backstepping -- The Design of Inspection Robot Navigation Systems Based on Distributed Vision -- Mobile Robot Autonomous Navigation and Dynamic Environmental Adaptation in Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes -- Movement Analysis of Rotating-finger Cable Inspection Robot -- Autonomous Indoor Mobile Robot Exploration Based on Wavefront Algorithm -- Multi-robot path planning for complete coverage with genetic algorithms -- Design and Magnetic Force Analysis of Patrol Robot for Deep Shaft Rigid Cage Guide -- Improved Driving Stability with Series Elastic Actuator and Velocity Controller -- Monocular vision-based dynamic moving obstacles detection and avoidance -- Path planning based navigation using LIDAR for an Ackerman Unmanned Ground Vehicle -- Improved Simple Linear Iterative Clustering Algorithm Using HSL Color Space -- Active Affordance Exploration for Robot Grasping -- Multi-Vehicle Detection and Tracking Based on Kalman Filter and Data Association -- Multi-scale Feature Fusion Single Shot Object Detector Based on DenseNet -- Semi-direct Tracking and Mapping with RGB-D Camera -- Two-person Interaction Recognition Based on Video Sparse Representation and Improved Spatio-Temporal Feature -- Human Interaction Recognition based on the Co-occurring Visual Matrix Sequence -- A stereo matching method combining feature and area information for power line inspection -- Image Stitching Based on Improved SURF Algorithm -- Neural Network based Electronics Segmentation -- Visual-based Crack Detection and Skeleton Extraction of Cement Surface -- Visual Servoing Control Based on Reconstructed 3D Features -- Landmark based eye ratio estimation for driver fatigue detection -- Automatic analysis of calibration board image orientation for online hand-eye calibration -- Image Deblurring Based on Fuzzy Kernel Estimation in HSV Color Space -- Infrared and Visible Image Fusion: A Region-based Deep Learning Method -- A Coarse RegistrationAlgorithm between 3D Point Cloud and CAD Model of Non-cooperative Object for Space Manipulator -- Dexterity-based dimension optimization of Muti-Dof robotic manipulator -- Design and Experimental Analysis of a Planar Compliant Parallel Manipulator -- Safety and waterproof design of multi-functional assisted bath robot -- Dynamics Analysis of 3-CPaR&R1R2 Hybrid Mechanism with Joint Clearance -- Underactuated robot passability analysis and optimization -- A Novel Hedgehog-inspired Pin-array Robot Hand with Multiple Magnetic Pins for Adaptive Grasping -- Kinematic analysis of a flexible planar 2- DOF parallel manipulator -- Dual-source fluid bending and side-swing compound multi-joint finger -- Design and Simulation of a Miniature Jumping Gliding Robot on Water Surface -- Towards Intelligent Maintenance of Thermal Power Plants: A Novel Robot for Checking Water Wall Tube -- Configuration Change and Mobility Analysis of a novel metamorphic parallel mechanism constructed with (rA) joint . Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : The volume set LNAI 11740 until LNAI 11745 constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2019, held in Shenyang, China, in August 2019. The total of 378 full and 25 short papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 522 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: collective and social robots; human biomechanics and human-centered robotics; robotics for cell manipulation and characterization; field robots; compliant mechanisms; robotic grasping and manipulation with incomplete information and strong disturbance; human-centered robotics; development of high-performance joint drive for robots; modular robots and other mechatronic systems; compliant manipulation learning and control for lightweight robot. Part II: power-assisted system and control; bio-inspired wall climbing robot; underwater acoustic and optical signal processing for environmental cognition; piezoelectric actuators and micro-nano manipulations; robot vision and scene understanding; visual and motional learning in robotics; signal processing and underwater bionic robots; soft locomotion robot; teleoperation robot; autonomous control of unmanned aircraft systems. Part III: marine bio-inspired robotics and soft robotics: materials, mechanisms, modelling, and control; robot intelligence technologies and system integration; continuum mechanisms and robots; unmanned underwater vehicles; intelligent robots for environment detection or fine manipulation; parallel robotics; human-robot collaboration; swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation; adaptive and learning control system; wearable and assistive devices and robots for healthcare; nonlinear systems and control. Part IV: swarm intelligence unmanned system; computational intelligence inspired robot navigation and SLAM; fuzzy modelling for automation,control, and robotics; development of ultra-thin-film, flexible sensors, and tactile sensation; robotic technology for deep space exploration; wearable sensing based limb motor function rehabilitation; pattern recognition and machine learning; navigation/localization. Part V: robot legged locomotion; advanced measurement and machine vision system; man-machine interactions; fault detection, testing and diagnosis; estimation and identification; mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; robot mechanism and design. Part VI: robot motion analysis and planning; robot design, development and control; medical robot; robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; motion control; computer integrated manufacturing; robot cooperation; virtual and augmented reality; education in mechatronics engineering; robotic drilling and sampling technology; automotive systems; mechatronics in energy systems; human-robot interaction. Enlace de acceso : [...] 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part VI / Yu, Haibin ; Liu, Jinguo ; Liu, Lianqing ; Ju, Zhaojie ; Liu, Yuwang ; Zhou, Dalin
PermalinkFirst International Conference, ICRRI 2020, Fushun, China, September 9–11, 2020, Proceedings, Part I / Qian, Jianhua ; Liu, Honghai ; Cao, Jiangtao ; Zhou, Dalin
PermalinkFirst International Conference, ICRRI 2020, Fushun, China, September 9–11, 2020, Proceedings, Part II / Qian, Jianhua ; Liu, Honghai ; Cao, Jiangtao ; Zhou, Dalin