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Documentos en la biblioteca con la clasificación 333.9516 (33)

TÃtulo : Ambiente y biodiversidad en Argentina : problemas y desafÃos Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Cortizas, Ludmila, ; Lampert, DamiaÌn, Editorial: Ediciones del Aula Taller Fecha de publicación: 2022 Número de páginas: 1 recurso en liÌnea (59 paÌginas) ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-987-830-884-5 Palabras clave: Biodiversidad ConservacioÌn. Biodiversidad Argentina. Clasificación: 333.9516 Enlace de acceso : Ambiente y biodiversidad en Argentina : problemas y desafÃos [documento electrónico] / Cortizas, Ludmila, ; Lampert, DamiaÌn, . - Ediciones del Aula Taller, 2022 . - 1 recurso en liÌnea (59 paÌginas).
ISBN : 978-987-830-884-5
Palabras clave: Biodiversidad ConservacioÌn. Biodiversidad Argentina. Clasificación: 333.9516 Enlace de acceso :
TÃtulo : Bhutan: Conservation and Environmental Protection in the Himalayas Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Tshewang, Ugyen, ; Tobias, Michael Charles, ; Morrison, Jane Gray, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2021 Número de páginas: LX, 353 p. 181 ilustraciones, 155 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-57824-4 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Comunidades bióticas BiologÃa de poblaciones Religión y ciencia Bien cultural Preservación histórica Bienestar de los animales EconomÃa del bienestar EcologÃa comunitaria y poblacional Religión y Ciencias Conservación y Preservación Ética Animal EconomÃa Social Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: Ubicado en el corazón del Himalaya oriental, Bután practica la filosofÃa de la Felicidad Nacional Bruta ("FNB") que abraza la conservación del medio ambiente como uno de los principales pilares de sus objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Las estrategias de conservación y el éxito de Bután están impulsados ​​en gran medida por la fuerte voluntad polÃtica y el liderazgo visionario de Su Majestad el Rey de Bután. Las perspectivas budistas de la nación con respecto a un respeto profundo y duradero por la naturaleza; y la aplicación estratégica de un amplio y estricto conjunto de regulaciones y controles internos han ayudado a garantizar estándares de oro ecológicos en Bután. Además, el paÃs es un miembro activo de la comunidad conservacionista internacional al cumplir con la implementación de varios Acuerdos Ambientales Multilaterales. Si bien en el siglo XXI surgió como uno de los 36 "puntos crÃticos" terrestres mundiales en la clasificación de conservación de la diversidad biológica, el compromiso absoluto de Bután con más del 51% de su territorio gestionado bajo el estatus explÃcito de una red de áreas protegidas, y más de 70 % de la tierra cubierta por bosques, representa la dedicación ejemplar de Bután para proteger el planeta a pesar de su pequeñez en tamaño y economÃa, y la fragilidad biológica ejemplificada por su situación de punto crÃtico. Frente a las graves amenazas inminentes del calentamiento global, Bután ejemplifica la verdad de que "un paÃs pequeño con un gran compromiso de conservación" puede hacer una enorme contribución a la comunidad global. A nivel regional, Bután tiene la intención de proteger las Torres de Agua de Asia (esa extensión glacial del Himalaya), que es un baluarte de recursos crÃtico para aproximadamente una quinta parte de la población mundial aguas abajo en el sur de Asia. Estas protecciones invariablemente ayudan a mitigar el cambio climático al actuar como un sumidero de carbono a nivel nacional a través de sus polÃticas de carbono neutral. En resumen, Bután ha representado durante mucho tiempo uno de los principales guardianes nacionales de la conservación de la biodiversidad, la buena gobernanza ecológica y la sostenibilidad social en un perÃodo en el que el mundo ha entrado en el Antropoceno, una época de extinciones masivas. Prevemos que esta publicación sea ecológica y éticamente provocativa y reveladora para las comunidades cientÃficas y los gobiernos interesados. A través de una extensa revisión de la literatura cientÃfica y antropológica, asà como de los propios datos del equipo de investigación, los autores han establecido recomendaciones oportunas para polÃticas, estrategias y acciones de conservación. Este libro proporciona evaluaciones técnicas y profundamente consideradas del estado del medio ambiente de Bután, sus múltiples factores estresantes y presiones inducidos por el hombre; asà como técnicas prácticas y extremadamente sólidas que abordarÃan las estrategias de conservación en el Himalaya y, por implicación, en todo el mundo. Nota de contenido: CHAPTER 1. STATE OF ENVIRONMENT IN BHUTAN -- Abstract -- Overview of Bhutan.-Ecological Zones & Climatic Features -- Land Use in Bhutan -- Source: FRMD/DOFPS. Conservation Efforts & Protected Area Systems -- Conservation Laws and Policies. Assessment of Non-Protected Areas -- Sustainable Forest Management Plans in Non-protected Area. Scientific Forest Management -- Community Forest Empowerment. Non-Wood Forest Product (NWFP) Management. Plantation and Reforestation Programs. Keystone species and Conservation Areas. Foot Notes -- Annexure 1..1 Classification and Characteristics of Vegetation Zones in Bhutan (Grierson & Long, 1983, see 19) -- Annexure 1.2 Description of Classification of Land Cover Class and Sub-Class in Bhutan (See 20) -- CHAPTER 2 -- DRIVERS AND PRESSURE ON THE STATE OF ENVIRONMENT IN BHUTAN. Abstract -- Land Use.-Hydropower projects -- Farm Roads -- Mining and Mineral Development -- Land use for Agriculture -- Waste Management -- CHAPTER 3 -- NON-VIOLENT TECHNIQUESFOR HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICT RESOLUTION -- Abstract -- Contextual Framework within the ACPB -- Methodology -- Global context of HWC -- Conflict Management Strategies.-Retaliatory Actions and Violent Approaches -- Lethal Control – Counterproductive 96 -- From Conflict to Co-existence -- Safe and Non-Violent Approach -- Table 3.1 Important Elements of HWC (WWF-Bhutan, 2016; See Foot Note 78) -- Human Wildlife Conflict Policy -- Implementing Agencies for HWC. Immune-contraception for population control -- Translocation of Problem Animals -- Alternative Livelihoods -- Land-Use Planning and Landscape Management -- Mitigation Measures -- Compensation -- Performance payments -- Ecotourism and Revenue Sharing -- Community Education -- Understanding the Conflict Profile -- Reporting.-Information compilation, management and use -- Response - measures taken to alleviate a specific or ongoing HWC incident -- Monitoring and Evaluation - measuring the performance of HWC management -- Human Wildlife Conflict Situation inBhutan -- Underlying Forces of Human Wild-life Conflicts in Bhutan -- Human Wildlife Conflict Situation in Bhutan -- Preventive Measures -- Mitigation Approach in Bhutan -- Strategic Outcomes -- Table 3.5 Strategic Intents contributing to the Safe System (WWF-Bhutan, 2016; See Foot Note 246) -- Effective Monitoring and Evaluation -- Conclusion and Recommendation -- Non-violent and Safe Approach -- Institutional Arrangement -- Human Wildlife Conflict Policy & Legislation -- Coping Techniques and Mechanisms -- Hotspot Mapping -- Physiological Sterilization of wildlife -- Table 3.6 Immunocontraceptive vaccines used in different animals -- Innovative Research Fund for farmers -- Economic Responses to HWC -- Alternative livelihoods -- Regional Transboundary Conservation -- Foot Notes -- Annexure 3.1 Indicators of the Strategic Outcomes of People, Wildlife, Assets and Habitat -- CHAPTER 4 -- ANIMAL RIGHTS AND PROTECTION.-Abstract -- Buddhist Perspectives & Conservation Biology -- Bhutanese Buddhism and the Segue To Contemporary Animal Protection Policies -- National Law & Buddhist Ethics -- State Monastic Body -- Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) -- Tshethar (Life Saving) Practices -- Animal Health and Rescue Centers -- Farming Systems and Livestock Population -- Meat Consumption in Bhutan -- Discussion and Recommendations on Animal Protection and Animal Rights -- Animal Protection Policy of Bhutan -- Population control of Livestock Animals -- Institutionalization and Implementation Arrangement -- Monitoring & Implementation -- Dog Population Control -- GNH Index for Animal Kingdom -- References (1-125) -- Annexure 4.1 God's Country: The New Zealand Factor, by Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison, Dancing Star Foundation, 2010 -- CHAPTER 5. GAP ANALYSIS OF THREATENED, RARE AND UNDER-REPRESENTED SPECIES IN BHUTAN -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Impacts of Extinction of Species -- Taxonomic Classification – Seven Kingdoms Model -- Objectives -- Methodology -- Assessment of Under-Represented Species in Kingdoms -- Under-Represented Species in Classification of Groups -- Records of Species Groups under Animalia Kingdom -- Vertebrates.-Invertebrates -- Species Groups under Plantae Kingdom -- Tracheophytes -- Chromista Kingdom.-Fungi Kingdom -- Protista Kingdom -- Eubacteria Kingdom -- Archaebacteria Kingdom.-Assessment of Threatened Species -- Conservation Status of Fish in Bhutan -- Threatened Endemic Plants in Bhutan -- Under-Representation of Medicinal Plants -- Documentation of Agro-Biodiversity -- Community Participation and Citizen Science -- Discussion and Recommendations -- Foot Notes -- Annexure 5.1 List of Threatened Species of Plants (IUCN Status-2019) -- Annexure 5.2 List of Threatened Species of Mammals in Bhutan (IUCN Status-2019) -- Annexure 5.3 List of Threatened Species of Birds in Bhutan (IUCN) – 2019 NBC.-Annexure 5.4 List of Threatened Fish Species -- Annexure 5.5: List of Threatened Amphibian and Reptile Species -- Annexure 5.6 Monotypic Species of Seed Plants under each Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species (Source Flora of Bhutan, Volume 1, 2 & 3) -- CHAPTER 6 -- CONSERVATION STRATEGY OF THREATENED AND UNDER-REPRESENTED MAMMALIAN SPECIES -- Landscape Conservation Approach -- Mammalian species -- Chinese Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) Conservation -- Recommendations for Conservation Strategies.-Pygmy Hog (Sus salvanius) Conservation -- Recommendation for Conservation Strategy of Pygmy Hog (Sus salvanius) -- Alpine Musk Deer (Moschus Chrysogaster) and Himalayan Musk Deer (Moschus leucogaster) Conservation -- Recommendations for Conservation Strategy of Musk Deer -- Dhole (Cuon alpinus) Conservation Strategy -- Recommendations for Dhole Conservation Strategy -- Golden Langur (Trachypithecus geei) Conservation Strategy.-Recommendation for Conservation Strategy of Golden Langur -- Conservation of Arunachal Macaque (Macaca munzala) -- Conservation of Hispid Hare (Caprolagus hispidus) -- Conservation of Hog Deer (Axis Porcinus) -- Wild Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee)Conservation -- Discussion on Conservation of Bats -- Foot Notes (1-131) -- CHAPTER 7. CONSERVATION OF THREATENED AND UNDER-REPRESENTED SPECIES OF PLANTS -- Introduction.-Endemic Plant Species -- Monotypic Plant Species -- Discussion on Threatened Orchids -- Critically Endangered flowering plants -- Endangered Flowering Plants -- Recommendations for Conservation Strategy of Plant Species -- Conservation of Bryophytes -- Ecological significance of Bryophytes -- Economic Uses of Bryophytes -- Medicinal Use of Bryophytes -- Bryophytes as Pollution indicators -- Bryophytes in Science and Education -- Threats to Bryophytes -- Lesser Known Timber Species in Bhutan -- Foot Notes -- Annexure 7.1 Most commonly used timber species (Source: FRMD/DoFPS) -- Annexure 7.2 High value timber with less utilization (Source: FRMD/DoFPS) -- CHAPTER 8. CONSERVATION OF THREATENED BIRDS, REPTILES, FISHES AND PARASITES -- Birds Conservation -- Conservation of White Bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) -- Conservation of Vultures -- Discussion on Conservation of White Winged Duck -- Conservation Strategy of Baer's Pochard -- Conservation Strategy of Eagles.-Recommendations for Conservation Strategy of Threatened Birds -- Conservation of Turtles.-Importance of Turtle Conservation -- Conservation Strategies -- Conservation of Threatened Fish Species -- CHAPTER 9 -- CONSERVATION FOR FOOD SECURITY AND UNDER-REPRESENTED MICROBES -- Abstract -- Conservation of Crop Genetic Resources -- Agro-Biodiversity Gene Banks -- Preservation under Permafrost Conditions -- Microbial Conservation Strategies -- FOOT NOTES. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : Located in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan practices the philosophy of Gross National Happiness ("GNH") that embraces environmental conservation as one of the main building blocks for its sustainable development goals. Bhutan's conservation strategies and success are largely driven by the strong political will and visionary leadership of His Majesty the King of Bhutan The nation's Buddhist perspectives regarding a deep and abiding respect for nature; and the strategic enforcement of a wide-ranging stringent set of internal regulations and controls have helped ensure ecological gold standards in Bhutan. Moreover, the country is an active member of the international conservation community by fulfilling its implementation of various Multilateral Environment Agreements. While it emerged into the 21st century as one of the 36 global terrestrial "hotspots" in biological diversity conservation ranks, Bhutan's sheer commitment with more than 51% of its territory being managed under the explicit status of a protected area network, and more than 70% of the land under forest cover, represents Bhutan's exemplary dedication to protect the planet despite its smallness in size and economy, and the biological fragility exemplified by its hotspot situation. In the face of imminent severe threats of global warming, Bhutan nonetheless exemplifies the truth that "a small country with a big conservation commitment" can make an enormous contribution to the global community. At the regional level, Bhutan is intent upon protecting the Water Towers of Asia (that glacial expanse of the Himalayas) which is a critical resource bulwark for about one-fifth of the global population downstream in South Asia. Such protections invariably help mitigate climate change by acting as a nation-wide carbon sink through its carbon neutral policies. In short, Bhutan has long represented one of the world's foremost national guardians of biodiversity conservation, ecological good governance, and societal sustainability at a period when the world has entered the Anthropocene – an epoch of mass extinctions. We envision this publication to be ecologically and ethically provocative and revealing for the concerned scientific communities, and governments. Through an extensive review of the scientific and anthropological literature, as well as the research team's own data, the Author's have set forth timely recommendations for conservation policies, strategies and actions. This book provides technical and deeply considered assessments of the state of Bhutan's environment, its multiple, human-induced stressors and pressures; as well as extremely sound, practical techniques that would address conservation strategies in the Himalayas and, by implication, worldwide. Enlace de acceso : [...] Bhutan: Conservation and Environmental Protection in the Himalayas [documento electrónico] / Tshewang, Ugyen, ; Tobias, Michael Charles, ; Morrison, Jane Gray, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2021 . - LX, 353 p. 181 ilustraciones, 155 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-57824-4
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Comunidades bióticas BiologÃa de poblaciones Religión y ciencia Bien cultural Preservación histórica Bienestar de los animales EconomÃa del bienestar EcologÃa comunitaria y poblacional Religión y Ciencias Conservación y Preservación Ética Animal EconomÃa Social Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: Ubicado en el corazón del Himalaya oriental, Bután practica la filosofÃa de la Felicidad Nacional Bruta ("FNB") que abraza la conservación del medio ambiente como uno de los principales pilares de sus objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Las estrategias de conservación y el éxito de Bután están impulsados ​​en gran medida por la fuerte voluntad polÃtica y el liderazgo visionario de Su Majestad el Rey de Bután. Las perspectivas budistas de la nación con respecto a un respeto profundo y duradero por la naturaleza; y la aplicación estratégica de un amplio y estricto conjunto de regulaciones y controles internos han ayudado a garantizar estándares de oro ecológicos en Bután. Además, el paÃs es un miembro activo de la comunidad conservacionista internacional al cumplir con la implementación de varios Acuerdos Ambientales Multilaterales. Si bien en el siglo XXI surgió como uno de los 36 "puntos crÃticos" terrestres mundiales en la clasificación de conservación de la diversidad biológica, el compromiso absoluto de Bután con más del 51% de su territorio gestionado bajo el estatus explÃcito de una red de áreas protegidas, y más de 70 % de la tierra cubierta por bosques, representa la dedicación ejemplar de Bután para proteger el planeta a pesar de su pequeñez en tamaño y economÃa, y la fragilidad biológica ejemplificada por su situación de punto crÃtico. Frente a las graves amenazas inminentes del calentamiento global, Bután ejemplifica la verdad de que "un paÃs pequeño con un gran compromiso de conservación" puede hacer una enorme contribución a la comunidad global. A nivel regional, Bután tiene la intención de proteger las Torres de Agua de Asia (esa extensión glacial del Himalaya), que es un baluarte de recursos crÃtico para aproximadamente una quinta parte de la población mundial aguas abajo en el sur de Asia. Estas protecciones invariablemente ayudan a mitigar el cambio climático al actuar como un sumidero de carbono a nivel nacional a través de sus polÃticas de carbono neutral. En resumen, Bután ha representado durante mucho tiempo uno de los principales guardianes nacionales de la conservación de la biodiversidad, la buena gobernanza ecológica y la sostenibilidad social en un perÃodo en el que el mundo ha entrado en el Antropoceno, una época de extinciones masivas. Prevemos que esta publicación sea ecológica y éticamente provocativa y reveladora para las comunidades cientÃficas y los gobiernos interesados. A través de una extensa revisión de la literatura cientÃfica y antropológica, asà como de los propios datos del equipo de investigación, los autores han establecido recomendaciones oportunas para polÃticas, estrategias y acciones de conservación. Este libro proporciona evaluaciones técnicas y profundamente consideradas del estado del medio ambiente de Bután, sus múltiples factores estresantes y presiones inducidos por el hombre; asà como técnicas prácticas y extremadamente sólidas que abordarÃan las estrategias de conservación en el Himalaya y, por implicación, en todo el mundo. Nota de contenido: CHAPTER 1. STATE OF ENVIRONMENT IN BHUTAN -- Abstract -- Overview of Bhutan.-Ecological Zones & Climatic Features -- Land Use in Bhutan -- Source: FRMD/DOFPS. Conservation Efforts & Protected Area Systems -- Conservation Laws and Policies. Assessment of Non-Protected Areas -- Sustainable Forest Management Plans in Non-protected Area. Scientific Forest Management -- Community Forest Empowerment. Non-Wood Forest Product (NWFP) Management. Plantation and Reforestation Programs. Keystone species and Conservation Areas. Foot Notes -- Annexure 1..1 Classification and Characteristics of Vegetation Zones in Bhutan (Grierson & Long, 1983, see 19) -- Annexure 1.2 Description of Classification of Land Cover Class and Sub-Class in Bhutan (See 20) -- CHAPTER 2 -- DRIVERS AND PRESSURE ON THE STATE OF ENVIRONMENT IN BHUTAN. Abstract -- Land Use.-Hydropower projects -- Farm Roads -- Mining and Mineral Development -- Land use for Agriculture -- Waste Management -- CHAPTER 3 -- NON-VIOLENT TECHNIQUESFOR HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICT RESOLUTION -- Abstract -- Contextual Framework within the ACPB -- Methodology -- Global context of HWC -- Conflict Management Strategies.-Retaliatory Actions and Violent Approaches -- Lethal Control – Counterproductive 96 -- From Conflict to Co-existence -- Safe and Non-Violent Approach -- Table 3.1 Important Elements of HWC (WWF-Bhutan, 2016; See Foot Note 78) -- Human Wildlife Conflict Policy -- Implementing Agencies for HWC. Immune-contraception for population control -- Translocation of Problem Animals -- Alternative Livelihoods -- Land-Use Planning and Landscape Management -- Mitigation Measures -- Compensation -- Performance payments -- Ecotourism and Revenue Sharing -- Community Education -- Understanding the Conflict Profile -- Reporting.-Information compilation, management and use -- Response - measures taken to alleviate a specific or ongoing HWC incident -- Monitoring and Evaluation - measuring the performance of HWC management -- Human Wildlife Conflict Situation inBhutan -- Underlying Forces of Human Wild-life Conflicts in Bhutan -- Human Wildlife Conflict Situation in Bhutan -- Preventive Measures -- Mitigation Approach in Bhutan -- Strategic Outcomes -- Table 3.5 Strategic Intents contributing to the Safe System (WWF-Bhutan, 2016; See Foot Note 246) -- Effective Monitoring and Evaluation -- Conclusion and Recommendation -- Non-violent and Safe Approach -- Institutional Arrangement -- Human Wildlife Conflict Policy & Legislation -- Coping Techniques and Mechanisms -- Hotspot Mapping -- Physiological Sterilization of wildlife -- Table 3.6 Immunocontraceptive vaccines used in different animals -- Innovative Research Fund for farmers -- Economic Responses to HWC -- Alternative livelihoods -- Regional Transboundary Conservation -- Foot Notes -- Annexure 3.1 Indicators of the Strategic Outcomes of People, Wildlife, Assets and Habitat -- CHAPTER 4 -- ANIMAL RIGHTS AND PROTECTION.-Abstract -- Buddhist Perspectives & Conservation Biology -- Bhutanese Buddhism and the Segue To Contemporary Animal Protection Policies -- National Law & Buddhist Ethics -- State Monastic Body -- Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) -- Tshethar (Life Saving) Practices -- Animal Health and Rescue Centers -- Farming Systems and Livestock Population -- Meat Consumption in Bhutan -- Discussion and Recommendations on Animal Protection and Animal Rights -- Animal Protection Policy of Bhutan -- Population control of Livestock Animals -- Institutionalization and Implementation Arrangement -- Monitoring & Implementation -- Dog Population Control -- GNH Index for Animal Kingdom -- References (1-125) -- Annexure 4.1 God's Country: The New Zealand Factor, by Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison, Dancing Star Foundation, 2010 -- CHAPTER 5. GAP ANALYSIS OF THREATENED, RARE AND UNDER-REPRESENTED SPECIES IN BHUTAN -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Impacts of Extinction of Species -- Taxonomic Classification – Seven Kingdoms Model -- Objectives -- Methodology -- Assessment of Under-Represented Species in Kingdoms -- Under-Represented Species in Classification of Groups -- Records of Species Groups under Animalia Kingdom -- Vertebrates.-Invertebrates -- Species Groups under Plantae Kingdom -- Tracheophytes -- Chromista Kingdom.-Fungi Kingdom -- Protista Kingdom -- Eubacteria Kingdom -- Archaebacteria Kingdom.-Assessment of Threatened Species -- Conservation Status of Fish in Bhutan -- Threatened Endemic Plants in Bhutan -- Under-Representation of Medicinal Plants -- Documentation of Agro-Biodiversity -- Community Participation and Citizen Science -- Discussion and Recommendations -- Foot Notes -- Annexure 5.1 List of Threatened Species of Plants (IUCN Status-2019) -- Annexure 5.2 List of Threatened Species of Mammals in Bhutan (IUCN Status-2019) -- Annexure 5.3 List of Threatened Species of Birds in Bhutan (IUCN) – 2019 NBC.-Annexure 5.4 List of Threatened Fish Species -- Annexure 5.5: List of Threatened Amphibian and Reptile Species -- Annexure 5.6 Monotypic Species of Seed Plants under each Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species (Source Flora of Bhutan, Volume 1, 2 & 3) -- CHAPTER 6 -- CONSERVATION STRATEGY OF THREATENED AND UNDER-REPRESENTED MAMMALIAN SPECIES -- Landscape Conservation Approach -- Mammalian species -- Chinese Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) Conservation -- Recommendations for Conservation Strategies.-Pygmy Hog (Sus salvanius) Conservation -- Recommendation for Conservation Strategy of Pygmy Hog (Sus salvanius) -- Alpine Musk Deer (Moschus Chrysogaster) and Himalayan Musk Deer (Moschus leucogaster) Conservation -- Recommendations for Conservation Strategy of Musk Deer -- Dhole (Cuon alpinus) Conservation Strategy -- Recommendations for Dhole Conservation Strategy -- Golden Langur (Trachypithecus geei) Conservation Strategy.-Recommendation for Conservation Strategy of Golden Langur -- Conservation of Arunachal Macaque (Macaca munzala) -- Conservation of Hispid Hare (Caprolagus hispidus) -- Conservation of Hog Deer (Axis Porcinus) -- Wild Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee)Conservation -- Discussion on Conservation of Bats -- Foot Notes (1-131) -- CHAPTER 7. CONSERVATION OF THREATENED AND UNDER-REPRESENTED SPECIES OF PLANTS -- Introduction.-Endemic Plant Species -- Monotypic Plant Species -- Discussion on Threatened Orchids -- Critically Endangered flowering plants -- Endangered Flowering Plants -- Recommendations for Conservation Strategy of Plant Species -- Conservation of Bryophytes -- Ecological significance of Bryophytes -- Economic Uses of Bryophytes -- Medicinal Use of Bryophytes -- Bryophytes as Pollution indicators -- Bryophytes in Science and Education -- Threats to Bryophytes -- Lesser Known Timber Species in Bhutan -- Foot Notes -- Annexure 7.1 Most commonly used timber species (Source: FRMD/DoFPS) -- Annexure 7.2 High value timber with less utilization (Source: FRMD/DoFPS) -- CHAPTER 8. CONSERVATION OF THREATENED BIRDS, REPTILES, FISHES AND PARASITES -- Birds Conservation -- Conservation of White Bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) -- Conservation of Vultures -- Discussion on Conservation of White Winged Duck -- Conservation Strategy of Baer's Pochard -- Conservation Strategy of Eagles.-Recommendations for Conservation Strategy of Threatened Birds -- Conservation of Turtles.-Importance of Turtle Conservation -- Conservation Strategies -- Conservation of Threatened Fish Species -- CHAPTER 9 -- CONSERVATION FOR FOOD SECURITY AND UNDER-REPRESENTED MICROBES -- Abstract -- Conservation of Crop Genetic Resources -- Agro-Biodiversity Gene Banks -- Preservation under Permafrost Conditions -- Microbial Conservation Strategies -- FOOT NOTES. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : Located in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan practices the philosophy of Gross National Happiness ("GNH") that embraces environmental conservation as one of the main building blocks for its sustainable development goals. Bhutan's conservation strategies and success are largely driven by the strong political will and visionary leadership of His Majesty the King of Bhutan The nation's Buddhist perspectives regarding a deep and abiding respect for nature; and the strategic enforcement of a wide-ranging stringent set of internal regulations and controls have helped ensure ecological gold standards in Bhutan. Moreover, the country is an active member of the international conservation community by fulfilling its implementation of various Multilateral Environment Agreements. While it emerged into the 21st century as one of the 36 global terrestrial "hotspots" in biological diversity conservation ranks, Bhutan's sheer commitment with more than 51% of its territory being managed under the explicit status of a protected area network, and more than 70% of the land under forest cover, represents Bhutan's exemplary dedication to protect the planet despite its smallness in size and economy, and the biological fragility exemplified by its hotspot situation. In the face of imminent severe threats of global warming, Bhutan nonetheless exemplifies the truth that "a small country with a big conservation commitment" can make an enormous contribution to the global community. At the regional level, Bhutan is intent upon protecting the Water Towers of Asia (that glacial expanse of the Himalayas) which is a critical resource bulwark for about one-fifth of the global population downstream in South Asia. Such protections invariably help mitigate climate change by acting as a nation-wide carbon sink through its carbon neutral policies. In short, Bhutan has long represented one of the world's foremost national guardians of biodiversity conservation, ecological good governance, and societal sustainability at a period when the world has entered the Anthropocene – an epoch of mass extinctions. We envision this publication to be ecologically and ethically provocative and revealing for the concerned scientific communities, and governments. Through an extensive review of the scientific and anthropological literature, as well as the research team's own data, the Author's have set forth timely recommendations for conservation policies, strategies and actions. This book provides technical and deeply considered assessments of the state of Bhutan's environment, its multiple, human-induced stressors and pressures; as well as extremely sound, practical techniques that would address conservation strategies in the Himalayas and, by implication, worldwide. Enlace de acceso : [...] Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia / Öztürk, Münir ; Altay, Volkan ; Efe, Recep
TÃtulo : Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia : Volume 1: Prospects and Challenges in West Asia and Caucasus Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Öztürk, Münir, ; Altay, Volkan, ; Efe, Recep, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2021 Número de páginas: XVIII, 655 p. 120 ilustraciones, 100 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-59928-7 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Planta EcologÃa vegetal Biodiversidad Evolución de las plantas Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: De los siete continentes del mundo, Asia es el más grande. Sus paisajes fÃsicos, unidades polÃticas y grupos étnicos son amplios y numerosos. El suroeste, el sur y el centro de Asia son regiones altamente pobladas que, en conjunto, cubren un área extremadamente grande de geografÃa variada. En total, este dominio es único por su diversidad de plantas y grandes zonas de vegetación con diferentes comunidades y biomas. Es rico en endemismos, con diversidad especÃfica e intraespecÃfica de árboles frutales y plantas medicinales, incluidas varias especies raras y de alto valor. Al mismo tiempo, gran parte de la tierra de la región es demasiado seca o demasiado accidentada, con muchos extremos geográficos. El pastoreo excesivo, la extracción de petróleo y minerales y la caza furtiva son las principales amenazas en la zona. Este proyecto de dos volúmenes se centra en la biodiversidad dinámica de la región con un análisis en profundidad sobre fitosociologÃa, plantas, animales y agroecologÃa. También hay capÃtulos que exploran nuevas aplicaciones, asà como enfoques para superar los problemas asociados con el cambio climático. Gran parte de la investigación y el análisis se presentan aquà por primera vez. Creemos que este trabajo es un recurso valioso para los profesionales e investigadores que trabajan en los campos de la diversidad vegetal y la vegetación, la diversidad animal y las poblaciones animales, y la geodiversidad y el uso sostenible de la tierra, entre otros. El primer volumen guÃa a nuestros lectores a Asia occidental y la región del Cáucaso, mientras que el segundo volumen se centra en cuestiones exclusivas del sur y centro de Asia. Nota de contenido: Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation in Palestine -- Lichens of the Negev Desert (Israel) - Diversity, distribution, and of the relationship with microclimate -- Lichens: Characteristics, importance, uses, distribution in Turkey -- Endangered swamp forests in Turkey - An ecological inventory, prospects and challenges -- Forest fires and sustainability in Mediterranean ecosystems -- Turkey's Wild Orchids -- Agrodiversity in Turkey: Case study on Rice -- Pepper Agrodiversity in West Asia -- Promising small molecules against cancer from Ganoderma genus -- The Vertebrate Biodiversity of Turkey -- Medicinal Plants of Northeast Anatolia -- Main Problems of the Sustainable Development of the South Caucasus and Processes of Transformation of Landscapes (Ecosystems) Biodiversity -- Forest cover for the safety of biosphere and environment -- Agrodiversity and Sustainable Development -- Plant Diversity and General Vegetation of Georgia -- Faunal Diversity in Georgia- General Perspective -- An Overview of the Plant Diversity of Azerbaijan -- Agrobiodiversity of Azerbaijan -- Faunal diversity of Azerbaijan -- Genus Crataegus (Rosaceae) in the flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan -- Herbals used in Western Iran as food and for health treatments -- Fish Fauna in the Amur Water System of the Jewish Autonomous Region in Russia -- Paleogeography of Caspian Sea, Water Level Fluctuations and Consequences on the Environment and Civilization. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : Of the world's seven continents, Asia is the largest. Its physical landscapes, political units, and ethnic groups are both wide-ranging and many. Southwest, South and Middle Asia are highly populated regions which, as a whole, cover an extremely large area of varied geography. In total, this domain is unique in its plant diversity and large vegetation zones with different communities and biomes. It is rich in endemics, with specific and intraspecific diversity of fruit trees and medicinal plants, including a number of rare, high value, species. At the same time, much of the land in the region is too dry or too rugged, with many geographical extremes. Overgrazing, oil and mineral extraction, and poaching are the major threats in the area. This two-volume project focuses on the dynamic biodiversity of the region with in-depth analysis on phytosociology, plants, animals and agroecology. There are also chapters that explore new applications as well as approaches to overcome problems associated with climate change. Much of the research and analysis are presented here for the first time. We believe this work is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers working in the fields of plant diversity and vegetation, animal diversity and animal populations, and geo-diversity and sustainable land use, among others. The first volume guides our readers to West Asia and the Caucasus region, while volume two focuses on issues unique to South and Middle Asia. Enlace de acceso : [...] Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia : Volume 1: Prospects and Challenges in West Asia and Caucasus [documento electrónico] / Öztürk, Münir, ; Altay, Volkan, ; Efe, Recep, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2021 . - XVIII, 655 p. 120 ilustraciones, 100 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-59928-7
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Planta EcologÃa vegetal Biodiversidad Evolución de las plantas Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: De los siete continentes del mundo, Asia es el más grande. Sus paisajes fÃsicos, unidades polÃticas y grupos étnicos son amplios y numerosos. El suroeste, el sur y el centro de Asia son regiones altamente pobladas que, en conjunto, cubren un área extremadamente grande de geografÃa variada. En total, este dominio es único por su diversidad de plantas y grandes zonas de vegetación con diferentes comunidades y biomas. Es rico en endemismos, con diversidad especÃfica e intraespecÃfica de árboles frutales y plantas medicinales, incluidas varias especies raras y de alto valor. Al mismo tiempo, gran parte de la tierra de la región es demasiado seca o demasiado accidentada, con muchos extremos geográficos. El pastoreo excesivo, la extracción de petróleo y minerales y la caza furtiva son las principales amenazas en la zona. Este proyecto de dos volúmenes se centra en la biodiversidad dinámica de la región con un análisis en profundidad sobre fitosociologÃa, plantas, animales y agroecologÃa. También hay capÃtulos que exploran nuevas aplicaciones, asà como enfoques para superar los problemas asociados con el cambio climático. Gran parte de la investigación y el análisis se presentan aquà por primera vez. Creemos que este trabajo es un recurso valioso para los profesionales e investigadores que trabajan en los campos de la diversidad vegetal y la vegetación, la diversidad animal y las poblaciones animales, y la geodiversidad y el uso sostenible de la tierra, entre otros. El primer volumen guÃa a nuestros lectores a Asia occidental y la región del Cáucaso, mientras que el segundo volumen se centra en cuestiones exclusivas del sur y centro de Asia. Nota de contenido: Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation in Palestine -- Lichens of the Negev Desert (Israel) - Diversity, distribution, and of the relationship with microclimate -- Lichens: Characteristics, importance, uses, distribution in Turkey -- Endangered swamp forests in Turkey - An ecological inventory, prospects and challenges -- Forest fires and sustainability in Mediterranean ecosystems -- Turkey's Wild Orchids -- Agrodiversity in Turkey: Case study on Rice -- Pepper Agrodiversity in West Asia -- Promising small molecules against cancer from Ganoderma genus -- The Vertebrate Biodiversity of Turkey -- Medicinal Plants of Northeast Anatolia -- Main Problems of the Sustainable Development of the South Caucasus and Processes of Transformation of Landscapes (Ecosystems) Biodiversity -- Forest cover for the safety of biosphere and environment -- Agrodiversity and Sustainable Development -- Plant Diversity and General Vegetation of Georgia -- Faunal Diversity in Georgia- General Perspective -- An Overview of the Plant Diversity of Azerbaijan -- Agrobiodiversity of Azerbaijan -- Faunal diversity of Azerbaijan -- Genus Crataegus (Rosaceae) in the flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan -- Herbals used in Western Iran as food and for health treatments -- Fish Fauna in the Amur Water System of the Jewish Autonomous Region in Russia -- Paleogeography of Caspian Sea, Water Level Fluctuations and Consequences on the Environment and Civilization. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : Of the world's seven continents, Asia is the largest. Its physical landscapes, political units, and ethnic groups are both wide-ranging and many. Southwest, South and Middle Asia are highly populated regions which, as a whole, cover an extremely large area of varied geography. In total, this domain is unique in its plant diversity and large vegetation zones with different communities and biomes. It is rich in endemics, with specific and intraspecific diversity of fruit trees and medicinal plants, including a number of rare, high value, species. At the same time, much of the land in the region is too dry or too rugged, with many geographical extremes. Overgrazing, oil and mineral extraction, and poaching are the major threats in the area. This two-volume project focuses on the dynamic biodiversity of the region with in-depth analysis on phytosociology, plants, animals and agroecology. There are also chapters that explore new applications as well as approaches to overcome problems associated with climate change. Much of the research and analysis are presented here for the first time. We believe this work is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers working in the fields of plant diversity and vegetation, animal diversity and animal populations, and geo-diversity and sustainable land use, among others. The first volume guides our readers to West Asia and the Caucasus region, while volume two focuses on issues unique to South and Middle Asia. Enlace de acceso : [...]
TÃtulo : Biological Invasions in the South American Anthropocene : Global Causes and Local Impacts Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Jaksic, Fabián M., ; Castro, Sergio A., Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2021 Número de páginas: XIX, 346 p. 69 ilustraciones, 7 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-56379-0 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: EcologÃa aplicada Comunidades bióticas Biodiversidad Planta Evolución (BiologÃa) Ecosistemas Evolución de las plantas TeorÃa evolutiva Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: Este libro proporciona un marco conceptualmente organizado para comprender el fenómeno de las invasiones biológicas a escala global del Antropoceno. La mayorÃa de los avances hacia ese objetivo han sido proporcionados por investigadores norteamericanos y europeos, con menos contribuciones de Australia y Sudáfrica. Aquà llenamos el vacÃo del Neotrópico, enfocándonos en la experiencia de investigación en paÃses de América del Sur, con fuerte énfasis en Argentina y Chile. El texto se divide en dos partes: La primera mitad comprende capÃtulos independientes que proporcionan una base conceptual, bibliográfica y empÃrica en el campo de la biologÃa de las invasiones, desde una perspectiva del Antropoceno. La segunda mitad revisa la ecologÃa, la biogeografÃa y los impactos locales en América del Sur de grupos de especies exóticas (conejo europeo, jabalà euroasiático, castor canadiense, visón norteamericano y peces de agua dulce holárticos), que han demostrado ser modelos útiles para estudios de caso. de relevancia mundial. . Nota de contenido: Preface -- Part 1. Conceptual Framework -- Chapter 1. Introduction to the Phenomenon of Biological Invasions -- Chapter 2. Biological Invasions in the Anthropocene -- chapter 3. Transport and Introduction -- Chapter 4. Naturalisation -- Chapter 5. Range Expansion -- Chapter 6. Impacts on Health, Economy and Diversity -- Chapter 7. Ecological Impacts -- Part 2. Case Studies -- Chapter 8. European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Chile: The Human Dimension Behind a Biological Invasion -- Chapter 9. Invasive European Wild Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Argentina: State of the Art and Prospects for Research -- Chapter 10. Wild Boar Invasion in Argentina and Chile: Ecology, Impacts and Distribution -- Chapter 11. Reconceiving the Biological Invasion of North American Beavers (Castor Canadensis) in Southern Patagonia as a Socio-ecological Problem: implications and opportunities for research and management -- Chapter 12. Invasion by a Carnivore: the case of american mink (neovison vison) in southamerica -- Chapter 13. Homogenization of the Freshwater Fish Fauna in Chile: analysing the ichthyogeographic provinces. References. . Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book provides a conceptually organized framework to understand the phenomenon of biological invasions at the Anthropocene global scale. Most advances toward that aim have been provided from North American and European researchers, with fewer contributions from Australia and South Africa. Here we fill the void from the Neotropics, focusing on the research experience in South American countries, with a strong emphasis on Argentina and Chile. The text is divided into two parts: The first half comprises self-contained chapters, providing a conceptual, bibliographic and empirical foundation in the field of invasion biology, from an Anthropocene perspective. The second half reviews the ecology, biogeography, and local impacts in South America of exotic species groups (European rabbit, Eurasian wild boar, Canadian beaver, North American mink, and Holarctic freshwater fishes), which are shown to be useful models for case studies of global relevance. . Enlace de acceso : [...] Biological Invasions in the South American Anthropocene : Global Causes and Local Impacts [documento electrónico] / Jaksic, Fabián M., ; Castro, Sergio A., . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2021 . - XIX, 346 p. 69 ilustraciones, 7 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-56379-0
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: EcologÃa aplicada Comunidades bióticas Biodiversidad Planta Evolución (BiologÃa) Ecosistemas Evolución de las plantas TeorÃa evolutiva Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: Este libro proporciona un marco conceptualmente organizado para comprender el fenómeno de las invasiones biológicas a escala global del Antropoceno. La mayorÃa de los avances hacia ese objetivo han sido proporcionados por investigadores norteamericanos y europeos, con menos contribuciones de Australia y Sudáfrica. Aquà llenamos el vacÃo del Neotrópico, enfocándonos en la experiencia de investigación en paÃses de América del Sur, con fuerte énfasis en Argentina y Chile. El texto se divide en dos partes: La primera mitad comprende capÃtulos independientes que proporcionan una base conceptual, bibliográfica y empÃrica en el campo de la biologÃa de las invasiones, desde una perspectiva del Antropoceno. La segunda mitad revisa la ecologÃa, la biogeografÃa y los impactos locales en América del Sur de grupos de especies exóticas (conejo europeo, jabalà euroasiático, castor canadiense, visón norteamericano y peces de agua dulce holárticos), que han demostrado ser modelos útiles para estudios de caso. de relevancia mundial. . Nota de contenido: Preface -- Part 1. Conceptual Framework -- Chapter 1. Introduction to the Phenomenon of Biological Invasions -- Chapter 2. Biological Invasions in the Anthropocene -- chapter 3. Transport and Introduction -- Chapter 4. Naturalisation -- Chapter 5. Range Expansion -- Chapter 6. Impacts on Health, Economy and Diversity -- Chapter 7. Ecological Impacts -- Part 2. Case Studies -- Chapter 8. European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Chile: The Human Dimension Behind a Biological Invasion -- Chapter 9. Invasive European Wild Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Argentina: State of the Art and Prospects for Research -- Chapter 10. Wild Boar Invasion in Argentina and Chile: Ecology, Impacts and Distribution -- Chapter 11. Reconceiving the Biological Invasion of North American Beavers (Castor Canadensis) in Southern Patagonia as a Socio-ecological Problem: implications and opportunities for research and management -- Chapter 12. Invasion by a Carnivore: the case of american mink (neovison vison) in southamerica -- Chapter 13. Homogenization of the Freshwater Fish Fauna in Chile: analysing the ichthyogeographic provinces. References. . Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book provides a conceptually organized framework to understand the phenomenon of biological invasions at the Anthropocene global scale. Most advances toward that aim have been provided from North American and European researchers, with fewer contributions from Australia and South Africa. Here we fill the void from the Neotropics, focusing on the research experience in South American countries, with a strong emphasis on Argentina and Chile. The text is divided into two parts: The first half comprises self-contained chapters, providing a conceptual, bibliographic and empirical foundation in the field of invasion biology, from an Anthropocene perspective. The second half reviews the ecology, biogeography, and local impacts in South America of exotic species groups (European rabbit, Eurasian wild boar, Canadian beaver, North American mink, and Holarctic freshwater fishes), which are shown to be useful models for case studies of global relevance. . Enlace de acceso : [...] Closing the Knowledge-Implementation Gap in Conservation Science / Ferreira, Catarina C. ; Klütsch, Cornelya F. C.
TÃtulo : Closing the Knowledge-Implementation Gap in Conservation Science : Interdisciplinary Evidence Transfer Across Sectors and Spatiotemporal Scales Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Ferreira, Catarina C., ; Klütsch, Cornelya F. C., Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2021 Número de páginas: X, 473 p. 83 ilustraciones, 71 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-81085-6 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: BiologÃa de la Conservación ZoologÃa Biodiversidad Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: Este libro tiene como objetivo sintetizar el estado del arte sobre las prácticas de intercambio de conocimientos sobre biodiversidad para comprender dónde y cómo se pueden realizar mejoras para cerrar la brecha entre el conocimiento y la implementación en las ciencias de la conservación y avanzar en este tema interdisciplinario. El libro, que reúne a los académicos y profesionales más destacados en este campo, analiza las diversas fuentes utilizadas para producir conocimientos sobre biodiversidad -desde las ciencias naturales y sociales hasta el conocimiento ecológico tradicional y la ciencia ciudadana-, asà como enfoques de movilización de conocimientos para resaltar los ingredientes clave que realizar acciones de conservación exitosas a escala global. Al hacerlo, el libro identificó los principales desafÃos y oportunidades actuales en el campo, para diferentes sectores que generan, movilizan y utilizan el conocimiento sobre biodiversidad (como el mundo académico, las organizaciones fronterizas, los profesionales y los responsables de polÃticas), para desarrollar aún más el conocimiento intersectorial. estrategias de movilización y mejorar los procesos de toma de decisiones basados ​​en evidencia a nivel mundial. Nota de contenido: Part 1 Introduction -- 1 The Knowledge-Implementation Gap in Conservation Science -- Part 2 The Knowledge Production Or Co-Production -- 2 Biodiversity Monitoring and the Role of Scientists in the 21st Century -- 3 Closing the Conservation Genetics Gap: Integrating Genetic Knowledge in Conservation Management to Ensure Evolutionary Potential -- 4 Publicly generated data: the role of Citizen-Science for knowledge production, action, and public engagement -- 5 Global Overview of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Implementation in National Conservation Agendas -- Part 3 The Knowledge Mediation Sphere -- 6 The Knowledge Network: Identifying Actors and Structural Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer -- 7 Communication: The bridge between knowledge and implementation -- 8 Making an impact: how to design relevant and usable decision support systems for conservation -- Part 4 The Knowledge-Action Outcome(s) -- 9 The use of boundary-spanning organizations to bridge the knowledge-action gap in North America -- 10 Progress and gaps in biodiversity data mainstreaming and knowledge transfer for conservation in South America -- 11 Conservation Science in Africa: Mainstreaming Biodiversity Information into Policy and Decision-making -- 12 The Marine Conservation Landscape in Europe: Knowledge Support to Policy Implementation and Conservation Action -- 13 Translating research into wildlife conservation actions through multi-sector collaboration in tropical Asia -- 14 Environmental knowledge exchange in Australia and Oceania: how researchers and practitioners are working together to bring change -- Part 5 Synthesis -- 15 Closing the gap between knowledge and implementation in conservation science: concluding remarks. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book aims to synthesize the state of the art on biodiversity knowledge exchange practices to understand where and how improvements can be made to close the knowledge-implementation gap in conservation science and advance this interdisciplinary topic. Bringing together the most prominent scholars and practitioners in the field, the book looks into the various sources used to produce biodiversity knowledge - from natural and social sciences to Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Citizen Science - as well as knowledge mobilization approaches to highlight the key ingredients that render successful conservation action at a global scale. By doing so, the book identified major current challenges and opportunities in the field, for different sectors that generate, mobilize, and use biodiversity knowledge (like academia, boundary organizations, practitioners, and policy-makers), to further develop cross-sectorial knowledge mobilization strategies and enhance evidence-informed decision-making processes globally. Enlace de acceso : [...] Closing the Knowledge-Implementation Gap in Conservation Science : Interdisciplinary Evidence Transfer Across Sectors and Spatiotemporal Scales [documento electrónico] / Ferreira, Catarina C., ; Klütsch, Cornelya F. C., . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2021 . - X, 473 p. 83 ilustraciones, 71 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-81085-6
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: BiologÃa de la Conservación ZoologÃa Biodiversidad Clasificación: 333.9516 Resumen: Este libro tiene como objetivo sintetizar el estado del arte sobre las prácticas de intercambio de conocimientos sobre biodiversidad para comprender dónde y cómo se pueden realizar mejoras para cerrar la brecha entre el conocimiento y la implementación en las ciencias de la conservación y avanzar en este tema interdisciplinario. El libro, que reúne a los académicos y profesionales más destacados en este campo, analiza las diversas fuentes utilizadas para producir conocimientos sobre biodiversidad -desde las ciencias naturales y sociales hasta el conocimiento ecológico tradicional y la ciencia ciudadana-, asà como enfoques de movilización de conocimientos para resaltar los ingredientes clave que realizar acciones de conservación exitosas a escala global. Al hacerlo, el libro identificó los principales desafÃos y oportunidades actuales en el campo, para diferentes sectores que generan, movilizan y utilizan el conocimiento sobre biodiversidad (como el mundo académico, las organizaciones fronterizas, los profesionales y los responsables de polÃticas), para desarrollar aún más el conocimiento intersectorial. estrategias de movilización y mejorar los procesos de toma de decisiones basados ​​en evidencia a nivel mundial. Nota de contenido: Part 1 Introduction -- 1 The Knowledge-Implementation Gap in Conservation Science -- Part 2 The Knowledge Production Or Co-Production -- 2 Biodiversity Monitoring and the Role of Scientists in the 21st Century -- 3 Closing the Conservation Genetics Gap: Integrating Genetic Knowledge in Conservation Management to Ensure Evolutionary Potential -- 4 Publicly generated data: the role of Citizen-Science for knowledge production, action, and public engagement -- 5 Global Overview of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Implementation in National Conservation Agendas -- Part 3 The Knowledge Mediation Sphere -- 6 The Knowledge Network: Identifying Actors and Structural Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer -- 7 Communication: The bridge between knowledge and implementation -- 8 Making an impact: how to design relevant and usable decision support systems for conservation -- Part 4 The Knowledge-Action Outcome(s) -- 9 The use of boundary-spanning organizations to bridge the knowledge-action gap in North America -- 10 Progress and gaps in biodiversity data mainstreaming and knowledge transfer for conservation in South America -- 11 Conservation Science in Africa: Mainstreaming Biodiversity Information into Policy and Decision-making -- 12 The Marine Conservation Landscape in Europe: Knowledge Support to Policy Implementation and Conservation Action -- 13 Translating research into wildlife conservation actions through multi-sector collaboration in tropical Asia -- 14 Environmental knowledge exchange in Australia and Oceania: how researchers and practitioners are working together to bring change -- Part 5 Synthesis -- 15 Closing the gap between knowledge and implementation in conservation science: concluding remarks. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book aims to synthesize the state of the art on biodiversity knowledge exchange practices to understand where and how improvements can be made to close the knowledge-implementation gap in conservation science and advance this interdisciplinary topic. Bringing together the most prominent scholars and practitioners in the field, the book looks into the various sources used to produce biodiversity knowledge - from natural and social sciences to Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Citizen Science - as well as knowledge mobilization approaches to highlight the key ingredients that render successful conservation action at a global scale. By doing so, the book identified major current challenges and opportunities in the field, for different sectors that generate, mobilize, and use biodiversity knowledge (like academia, boundary organizations, practitioners, and policy-makers), to further develop cross-sectorial knowledge mobilization strategies and enhance evidence-informed decision-making processes globally. Enlace de acceso : [...] PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkConservation Genetics of New World Crocodilians / Zucoloto, Rodrigo Barban ; Amavet, Patricia Susana ; Verdade, Luciano Martins ; Farias, Izeni Pires
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkEcosystem Services from Forest Landscapes / Perera, Ajith H. ; Peterson, Urmas ; Pastur, Guillermo MartÃnez ; Iverson, Louis R.