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Documentos en la biblioteca con la clasificación 634.9 (45)

Actuaciones entre el pinar y la población en la interfaz urbano-forestal / Lorenzo PeÌrez, JoseÌ Heriberto.
TÃtulo : Actuaciones entre el pinar y la población en la interfaz urbano-forestal : recuperación de cultivos abandonados en la isla de La Palma para prevenir los efectos de los incendios forestales de 4ª generación Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Lorenzo PeÌrez, JoseÌ Heriberto. Editorial: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión CientÃfica Fecha de publicación: 2016 Número de páginas: 1 recurso en liÌnea (258 paÌginas) ISBN/ISSN/DL: 9788490422854 Nota general: Incluye iÌndice. Palabras clave: Forest fires Prevention and control Incendios forestales PrevencioÌn y control Reforestation Spain. ReforestacioÌn España. Clasificación: 634.9 Enlace de acceso : Actuaciones entre el pinar y la población en la interfaz urbano-forestal : recuperación de cultivos abandonados en la isla de La Palma para prevenir los efectos de los incendios forestales de 4ª generación [documento electrónico] / Lorenzo PeÌrez, JoseÌ Heriberto. . - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión CientÃfica, 2016 . - 1 recurso en liÌnea (258 paÌginas).
ISBN : 9788490422854
Incluye iÌndice.
Palabras clave: Forest fires Prevention and control Incendios forestales PrevencioÌn y control Reforestation Spain. ReforestacioÌn España. Clasificación: 634.9 Enlace de acceso :
TÃtulo : Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Udawatta, Ranjith P., ; Jose, Shibu, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: [s.l.] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2021 Número de páginas: XI, 510 p. 109 ilustraciones, 58 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-3-030-80060-4 Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Silvicultura EcologÃa agrÃcola BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa ciencia del suelo AgroecologÃa Clasificación: 634.9 Resumen: Este libro es una recopilación de última generación de la información más reciente sobre los servicios ecosistémicos de la agrosilvicultura. En las últimas dos décadas se ha producido un aumento de la literatura sobre los servicios ecosistémicos de las prácticas agrÃcolas sostenibles, incluida la agrosilvicultura; sin embargo, la recopilación y sÃntesis de dicha información procedente de la agrosilvicultura ha sido limitada. Este libro llena ese vacÃo incorporando a varios expertos de todo el mundo. Además de presentar las múltiples dimensiones de los servicios ecosistémicos proporcionados por las principales prácticas agroforestales, el libro también ofrece estudios de casos de regiones tropicales y templadas del mundo. La información de este libro se puede utilizar para diseñar prácticas de gestión de la tierra para la mitigación del cambio climático, los beneficios de los ecosistemas, la productividad y la sostenibilidad agrÃcolas, y para la supervivencia y rentabilidad de las explotaciones familiares y para conservar la biodiversidad. Si bien sintetiza información sobre los aspectos biofÃsicos de los servicios ecosistémicos, el libro también describe las dimensiones socioeconómicas y polÃticas, incluidos modelos de incentivos apropiados para mejorar la adopción de la agrosilvicultura para que la sociedad en general pueda disfrutar de estos importantes beneficios. Nota de contenido: Preface -- Agroforestry for Ecosystem Services -- Agroforestry Practices for Soil Conservation and Resilient Agriculture -- Soil Health Ecosystem Services of Agroforestry -- Below-Ground Services in Vineyard Agroforestry Systems -- Selected Soil Properties Among Agroforestry, Natural Forest, Traditional Agriculture, and Palm Oil Land Uses in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia -- Water Quality and Quantity Benefits of Agroforestry and Processes: Long-Term Case Studies from Missouri, USA -- Enhanced Ecosystem Services Provided by Silvopastures -- Silvopasture for Food Security in a Changing Climate -- Potential Indicators to Assess the Sustainability of South American Forests Under Silvopastoral Management -- The Role of Temperate Agroforestry Practices in Supporting Pollinators -- Agroforestry for Biodiversity Conservation -- Cultural Ecosystem Services in Agroforests -- Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry in India -- Ecosystem Services of Agroforestry -- Agroforestry Integration and Multifunctional Landscape Planning for Enhanced Ecosystem Services from Treed Habitats -- Economic Valuation of Agroforestry Ecosystem Services -- Bibliography -- Index. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book is a state-of-the-art compilation of the latest information on ecosystem services of agroforestry. The last two decades have seen a surge in literature on the ecosystem services of sustainable agriculture practices, including that of agroforestry; however, compilation and synthesis of such information from agroforestry have been limited. This book fills that void by bringing in a number of experts from around the world. In addition to presenting the multiple dimensions of ecosystem services provided by major agroforestry practices, the book also offers case studies from both tropical and temperate regions of the world. Information from this book can be used to design land management practices for climate change mitigation, ecosystem benefits, agricultural productivity and sustainability, and for survival and profitability of family farms and to conserve biodiversity. While synthesizing information of the biophysical aspects of ecosystem services, the book also outlines the socioeconomic and policy dimensions, including appropriate incentive models to enhance adoption of agroforestry so that society at large can enjoy these important benefits. Enlace de acceso : [...] Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services [documento electrónico] / Udawatta, Ranjith P., ; Jose, Shibu, . - 1 ed. . - [s.l.] : Springer, 2021 . - XI, 510 p. 109 ilustraciones, 58 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-3-030-80060-4
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Silvicultura EcologÃa agrÃcola BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa ciencia del suelo AgroecologÃa Clasificación: 634.9 Resumen: Este libro es una recopilación de última generación de la información más reciente sobre los servicios ecosistémicos de la agrosilvicultura. En las últimas dos décadas se ha producido un aumento de la literatura sobre los servicios ecosistémicos de las prácticas agrÃcolas sostenibles, incluida la agrosilvicultura; sin embargo, la recopilación y sÃntesis de dicha información procedente de la agrosilvicultura ha sido limitada. Este libro llena ese vacÃo incorporando a varios expertos de todo el mundo. Además de presentar las múltiples dimensiones de los servicios ecosistémicos proporcionados por las principales prácticas agroforestales, el libro también ofrece estudios de casos de regiones tropicales y templadas del mundo. La información de este libro se puede utilizar para diseñar prácticas de gestión de la tierra para la mitigación del cambio climático, los beneficios de los ecosistemas, la productividad y la sostenibilidad agrÃcolas, y para la supervivencia y rentabilidad de las explotaciones familiares y para conservar la biodiversidad. Si bien sintetiza información sobre los aspectos biofÃsicos de los servicios ecosistémicos, el libro también describe las dimensiones socioeconómicas y polÃticas, incluidos modelos de incentivos apropiados para mejorar la adopción de la agrosilvicultura para que la sociedad en general pueda disfrutar de estos importantes beneficios. Nota de contenido: Preface -- Agroforestry for Ecosystem Services -- Agroforestry Practices for Soil Conservation and Resilient Agriculture -- Soil Health Ecosystem Services of Agroforestry -- Below-Ground Services in Vineyard Agroforestry Systems -- Selected Soil Properties Among Agroforestry, Natural Forest, Traditional Agriculture, and Palm Oil Land Uses in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia -- Water Quality and Quantity Benefits of Agroforestry and Processes: Long-Term Case Studies from Missouri, USA -- Enhanced Ecosystem Services Provided by Silvopastures -- Silvopasture for Food Security in a Changing Climate -- Potential Indicators to Assess the Sustainability of South American Forests Under Silvopastoral Management -- The Role of Temperate Agroforestry Practices in Supporting Pollinators -- Agroforestry for Biodiversity Conservation -- Cultural Ecosystem Services in Agroforests -- Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry in India -- Ecosystem Services of Agroforestry -- Agroforestry Integration and Multifunctional Landscape Planning for Enhanced Ecosystem Services from Treed Habitats -- Economic Valuation of Agroforestry Ecosystem Services -- Bibliography -- Index. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book is a state-of-the-art compilation of the latest information on ecosystem services of agroforestry. The last two decades have seen a surge in literature on the ecosystem services of sustainable agriculture practices, including that of agroforestry; however, compilation and synthesis of such information from agroforestry have been limited. This book fills that void by bringing in a number of experts from around the world. In addition to presenting the multiple dimensions of ecosystem services provided by major agroforestry practices, the book also offers case studies from both tropical and temperate regions of the world. Information from this book can be used to design land management practices for climate change mitigation, ecosystem benefits, agricultural productivity and sustainability, and for survival and profitability of family farms and to conserve biodiversity. While synthesizing information of the biophysical aspects of ecosystem services, the book also outlines the socioeconomic and policy dimensions, including appropriate incentive models to enhance adoption of agroforestry so that society at large can enjoy these important benefits. Enlace de acceso : [...]
TÃtulo : Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes : Recent Advances and Emerging Challenges - Vol.1 Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Dagar, Jagdish Chander, ; Gupta, Sharda Rani, ; Teketay, Demel, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: Singapore [Malasya] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2020 Número de páginas: XVII, 554 p. 103 ilustraciones, 88 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-981-1541360-- Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Silvicultura EcologÃa vegetal EcologÃa del paisaje FisiologÃa de las plantas BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Clasificación: 634.9 Resumen: Este libro presenta varios aspectos de la investigación y el desarrollo agroforestal, asà como las últimas tendencias en el manejo de paisajes degradados. Durante las últimas cuatro décadas, la investigación agroforestal (particularmente sobre paisajes degradados) ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una ciencia esencial para la resolución de problemas, por ejemplo en términos de sostener la productividad agrÃcola, mejorar la salud del suelo y la biodiversidad, mejorar los servicios ecosistémicos, apoyar el secuestro de carbono y mitigar el cambio climático. Este libro examina los sistemas agroforestales templados y tropicales en todo el mundo, centrándose en las prácticas y tecnologÃas tradicionales y modernas utilizadas para rehabilitar tierras degradadas. Cubre los últimos avances en investigación, tendencias y desafÃos en la utilización y recuperación de tierras degradadas, por ejemplo, agrosilvicultura urbana y periurbana, recuperación de paisajes degradados, agricultura multiempresa basada en árboles, domesticación de halófitas de alto valor, forestación de zonas costeras. áreas, preservando manglares y mucho más. Dado su alcance, el libro ofrece un activo valioso para una amplia gama de partes interesadas, incluidos agricultores, cientÃficos, investigadores, educadores, estudiantes, agentes de desarrollo/extensión, ambientalistas, tomadores de decisiones y polÃticas, y organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. Nota de contenido: Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Landscapes: Achieving Livelihood and Environmental Security -- Chapter 3. Agroforestry to Enhance Livelihood Security in Africa: Research Trends and Emerging Challenges -- Chapter 4. Potential of Agroforestry to Enhance Livelihood Security in Africa -- Chapter 5. Agroforestry Systems for Arid Ecologies in India -- Chapter 6. Land Use Management by Small Holders' Households as a Promising Way for Synergies Between the Rio Conventions: Case Study in Semi-arid Areas of Cameroon -- Chapter 7. Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services of Agroforestry Systems in the West African Sahel: A Review -- Chapter 8. Agroforestry Systems for Improving Nutrient Recycling and Soil Fertility on Degraded Lands -- Chapter 9. Sustainability of Faidherbia albida-based Agroforestry in Crop Production and Maintaining Soil Health -- Chapter 10. Characterization of Faidherbia albida and Prosopis africana Trees Wood Anatomy and Response to Climate Variability Using Dendrochronology in the Sahelian Agroforestry Parklands -- Chapter 11. Potential of Gliricidia-based Agroforestry Systems for Resource Limited Agro-ecosystems -- Chapter 12. Lac-based Agroforestry System for Degraded Land -- Chapter 13. The Role of Insects in Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Tree-based Systems on Degraded Lands -- Chapter 14. Socio-economic and Policy Issues in Relation to Adoption of Agroforestry in Africa -- Chapter 15. Agroforestry Options for Degraded Landscapes in Southeast Asia -- Chapter 16. Community-based Peat Swamp Restoration through Agroforestry in Indonesia -- Chapter 17. Agroforestry to Sustain Island and Coastal Agriculture in Scenario of Climate Change: Indian Perspective -- Chapter 18. Incentivizing Hill Farmers for Promoting Agroforestry as an Alternative to Shifting Cultivation in North-East India -- Chapter 19. Promoting Bamboo-based Agroforestry for Enhancing Ecosystem Services from Degraded Lands -- Chapter 20. The Contribution of Agroforestry to Restoration and Conservation: Biodiversity Islands in Degraded Landscapes -- Chapter 21. Soil Micro-arthropods as Indicators of Soil Health of Tropical Homegardens in Kerala, India -- Chapter 22. Biomass Production Potentials under Temperate Agroforestry Systems as Influenced by Selected Sustainability Indicators: A Case Study Approach with Supportive Evidence -- Chapter 23. Management Practices vis-a-vis Agroforestry for the Improvement of Rangelands of Jammu and Kashmir in Northwestern Himalaya -- Chapter 24. The influence of Over-mature, Degraded Nothofagus Forests with Strong Anthropic Disturbance on the Quality of an Andisol, and Its Gradual Recovery with Silvopasture in Southwestern South America -- Chapter 25. Assessment of Trees Outside Forests (TOF) with emphasis on agroforestry systems -- Chapter 26. Agroforestry Interventions for Rehabilitating Salt-affected and Waterlogged Marginal Landscapes -- Chapter 27. Silvopasture Options for Enhanced Biological Productivity of Degraded Pasture/Grazing Lands: An Overview -- Chapter 28. Potential of Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Ravine Lands -- Chapter 29. Halophytes for Utilizing and Restoring Coastal Saline Soils of India: Emphasis on Agroforestry Mode -- Chapter 30. Urban and Peri-urban Agroforestry: Utilization of Waste Water and Degraded Landscapes for Environmental and Livelihood Security -- Chapter 31. Agroforestry Approach for Rehabilitation of Mine Spoils -- Chapter 32. Tree Plantations for Improving Soil Fertility and Carbon Sequestration on Mine Spoils -- Chapter 33. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems for Rehabilitating Degraded Lands of India -- Chapter 34. Agroforestry Developments for Degraded Landscapes: A Synthesis. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book presents various aspects of agroforestry research and development, as well as the latest trends in degraded landscape management. Over the last four decades, agroforestry research (particularly on degraded landscapes) has evolved into an essential problem-solving science, e.g. in terms of sustaining agricultural productivity, improving soil health and biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting carbon sequestration and mitigating climate change. This book examines temperate and tropical agroforestry systems around the world, focusing on traditional and modern practices and technologies used to rehabilitate degraded lands. It covers the latest research advances, trends and challenges in the utilization and reclamation of degraded lands, e.g. urban and peri-urban agroforestry, reclamation of degraded landscapes, tree-based multi-enterprise agriculture, domestication of high-value halophytes, afforestation of coastal areas, preserving mangroves and much more. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable asset for a broad range of stakeholders including farmers, scientists, researchers, educators, students, development/extension agents, environmentalists, policy/decision makers, and government and non-government organizations. Enlace de acceso : [...] Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes : Recent Advances and Emerging Challenges - Vol.1 [documento electrónico] / Dagar, Jagdish Chander, ; Gupta, Sharda Rani, ; Teketay, Demel, . - 1 ed. . - Singapore [Malasya] : Springer, 2020 . - XVII, 554 p. 103 ilustraciones, 88 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-981-1541360--
Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos.
Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Silvicultura EcologÃa vegetal EcologÃa del paisaje FisiologÃa de las plantas BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Clasificación: 634.9 Resumen: Este libro presenta varios aspectos de la investigación y el desarrollo agroforestal, asà como las últimas tendencias en el manejo de paisajes degradados. Durante las últimas cuatro décadas, la investigación agroforestal (particularmente sobre paisajes degradados) ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una ciencia esencial para la resolución de problemas, por ejemplo en términos de sostener la productividad agrÃcola, mejorar la salud del suelo y la biodiversidad, mejorar los servicios ecosistémicos, apoyar el secuestro de carbono y mitigar el cambio climático. Este libro examina los sistemas agroforestales templados y tropicales en todo el mundo, centrándose en las prácticas y tecnologÃas tradicionales y modernas utilizadas para rehabilitar tierras degradadas. Cubre los últimos avances en investigación, tendencias y desafÃos en la utilización y recuperación de tierras degradadas, por ejemplo, agrosilvicultura urbana y periurbana, recuperación de paisajes degradados, agricultura multiempresa basada en árboles, domesticación de halófitas de alto valor, forestación de zonas costeras. áreas, preservando manglares y mucho más. Dado su alcance, el libro ofrece un activo valioso para una amplia gama de partes interesadas, incluidos agricultores, cientÃficos, investigadores, educadores, estudiantes, agentes de desarrollo/extensión, ambientalistas, tomadores de decisiones y polÃticas, y organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. Nota de contenido: Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Landscapes: Achieving Livelihood and Environmental Security -- Chapter 3. Agroforestry to Enhance Livelihood Security in Africa: Research Trends and Emerging Challenges -- Chapter 4. Potential of Agroforestry to Enhance Livelihood Security in Africa -- Chapter 5. Agroforestry Systems for Arid Ecologies in India -- Chapter 6. Land Use Management by Small Holders' Households as a Promising Way for Synergies Between the Rio Conventions: Case Study in Semi-arid Areas of Cameroon -- Chapter 7. Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services of Agroforestry Systems in the West African Sahel: A Review -- Chapter 8. Agroforestry Systems for Improving Nutrient Recycling and Soil Fertility on Degraded Lands -- Chapter 9. Sustainability of Faidherbia albida-based Agroforestry in Crop Production and Maintaining Soil Health -- Chapter 10. Characterization of Faidherbia albida and Prosopis africana Trees Wood Anatomy and Response to Climate Variability Using Dendrochronology in the Sahelian Agroforestry Parklands -- Chapter 11. Potential of Gliricidia-based Agroforestry Systems for Resource Limited Agro-ecosystems -- Chapter 12. Lac-based Agroforestry System for Degraded Land -- Chapter 13. The Role of Insects in Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Tree-based Systems on Degraded Lands -- Chapter 14. Socio-economic and Policy Issues in Relation to Adoption of Agroforestry in Africa -- Chapter 15. Agroforestry Options for Degraded Landscapes in Southeast Asia -- Chapter 16. Community-based Peat Swamp Restoration through Agroforestry in Indonesia -- Chapter 17. Agroforestry to Sustain Island and Coastal Agriculture in Scenario of Climate Change: Indian Perspective -- Chapter 18. Incentivizing Hill Farmers for Promoting Agroforestry as an Alternative to Shifting Cultivation in North-East India -- Chapter 19. Promoting Bamboo-based Agroforestry for Enhancing Ecosystem Services from Degraded Lands -- Chapter 20. The Contribution of Agroforestry to Restoration and Conservation: Biodiversity Islands in Degraded Landscapes -- Chapter 21. Soil Micro-arthropods as Indicators of Soil Health of Tropical Homegardens in Kerala, India -- Chapter 22. Biomass Production Potentials under Temperate Agroforestry Systems as Influenced by Selected Sustainability Indicators: A Case Study Approach with Supportive Evidence -- Chapter 23. Management Practices vis-a-vis Agroforestry for the Improvement of Rangelands of Jammu and Kashmir in Northwestern Himalaya -- Chapter 24. The influence of Over-mature, Degraded Nothofagus Forests with Strong Anthropic Disturbance on the Quality of an Andisol, and Its Gradual Recovery with Silvopasture in Southwestern South America -- Chapter 25. Assessment of Trees Outside Forests (TOF) with emphasis on agroforestry systems -- Chapter 26. Agroforestry Interventions for Rehabilitating Salt-affected and Waterlogged Marginal Landscapes -- Chapter 27. Silvopasture Options for Enhanced Biological Productivity of Degraded Pasture/Grazing Lands: An Overview -- Chapter 28. Potential of Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Ravine Lands -- Chapter 29. Halophytes for Utilizing and Restoring Coastal Saline Soils of India: Emphasis on Agroforestry Mode -- Chapter 30. Urban and Peri-urban Agroforestry: Utilization of Waste Water and Degraded Landscapes for Environmental and Livelihood Security -- Chapter 31. Agroforestry Approach for Rehabilitation of Mine Spoils -- Chapter 32. Tree Plantations for Improving Soil Fertility and Carbon Sequestration on Mine Spoils -- Chapter 33. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems for Rehabilitating Degraded Lands of India -- Chapter 34. Agroforestry Developments for Degraded Landscapes: A Synthesis. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book presents various aspects of agroforestry research and development, as well as the latest trends in degraded landscape management. Over the last four decades, agroforestry research (particularly on degraded landscapes) has evolved into an essential problem-solving science, e.g. in terms of sustaining agricultural productivity, improving soil health and biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting carbon sequestration and mitigating climate change. This book examines temperate and tropical agroforestry systems around the world, focusing on traditional and modern practices and technologies used to rehabilitate degraded lands. It covers the latest research advances, trends and challenges in the utilization and reclamation of degraded lands, e.g. urban and peri-urban agroforestry, reclamation of degraded landscapes, tree-based multi-enterprise agriculture, domestication of high-value halophytes, afforestation of coastal areas, preserving mangroves and much more. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable asset for a broad range of stakeholders including farmers, scientists, researchers, educators, students, development/extension agents, environmentalists, policy/decision makers, and government and non-government organizations. Enlace de acceso : [...]
TÃtulo : Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes : Recent Advances and Emerging Challenges - Vol. 2 Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Dagar, Jagdish Chander, ; Gupta, Sharda Rani, ; Teketay, Demel, Mención de edición: 1 ed. Editorial: Singapore [Malasya] : Springer Fecha de publicación: 2020 Número de páginas: XIII, 475 p. 97 ilustraciones, 64 ilustraciones en color. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-981-1568077-- Nota general: Libro disponible en la plataforma SpringerLink. Descarga y lectura en formatos PDF, HTML y ePub. Descarga completa o por capítulos. Idioma : Inglés (eng) Palabras clave: Silvicultura EcologÃa vegetal EcologÃa del paisaje FisiologÃa de las plantas BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Clasificación: 634.9 Resumen: Este libro presenta varios aspectos de la investigación y el desarrollo agroforestal, asà como las últimas tendencias en el manejo de paisajes degradados. Durante las últimas cuatro décadas, la investigación agroforestal (particularmente sobre paisajes degradados) ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una ciencia esencial para la resolución de problemas, por ejemplo en términos de sostener la productividad agrÃcola, mejorar la salud del suelo y la biodiversidad, mejorar los servicios ecosistémicos, apoyar el secuestro de carbono y mitigar el cambio climático. Este libro examina los sistemas agroforestales templados y tropicales en todo el mundo, centrándose en las prácticas y tecnologÃas tradicionales y modernas utilizadas para rehabilitar tierras degradadas. Cubre los últimos avances en investigación, tendencias y desafÃos en la utilización y recuperación de tierras degradadas, por ejemplo, agrosilvicultura urbana y periurbana, recuperación de paisajes degradados, agricultura multiempresa basada en árboles, domesticación de halófitas de alto valor, forestación de zonas costeras. áreas, preservando manglares y mucho más. Dado su alcance, el libro ofrece un activo valioso para una amplia gama de partes interesadas, incluidos agricultores, cientÃficos, investigadores, educadores, estudiantes, agentes de desarrollo/extensión, ambientalistas, tomadores de decisiones y polÃticas, y organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. Nota de contenido: Chapter 1. Biomass Production Potentials under Temperate Agroforestry Systems as Influenced by Selected Sustainability Indicators: A Case Study Approach with Supportive Evidence -- Chapter 2. Management Practices vis-a-vis Agroforestry for the Improvement of Rangelands of Jammu and Kashmir in Northwestern Himalaya, India -- Chapter 3. The Influence of Over-mature, Degraded Nothofagus Forests with Strong Anthropic Disturbance on the Quality of an Andisol and Its Gradual Recovery with Silvopasture in Southwestern South America -- Chapter 4. Assessment of Trees Outside Forests (TOF) with Emphasis on Agroforestry Systems -- Chapter 5. Agroforestry Interventions for Rehabilitating Salt-affected and Waterlogged Marginal Landscapes -- Chapter 6. Silvopasture Options for Enhanced Biological Productivity of Degraded Pasture/Grazing Lands: An Overview -- Chapter 7. Potential of Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Ravine Lands -- Chapter 8. Urban and Peri-urban Agroforestry: Utilization of Waste Water and Degraded Landscapes forEnvironmental and Livelihood Security -- Chapter 9. Agroforestry Approach for Rehabilitation of Mine Spoils -- Chapter 10. The Role of Tree Plantations forImproving Soil Fertility and Carbon Sequestration on Coal Mine Spoils -- Chapter 11. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems for Rehabilitating Degraded Lands of India -- Chapter 12. Sustainability of Faidherbia albida-based Agroforestry in Crop Production and Maintaining Soil Health -- Chapter 13. Characterization of Faidherbia albida and Prosopis africana Trees Wood Anatomy and Response to Climate Variability Using Dendrochronology in the Sahelian Agroforestry Parklands -- Chapter 14. Lac-based Agroforestry System for Degraded Lands in India -- Chapter 15. The Role of Insects in Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Tree-based Systems on Degraded Lands -- Chapter 16. Promoting Bamboo-based Agroforestry for Enhancing Ecosystem Services from Degraded Lands -- Chapter 17. Agroforestry Developments for Degraded Landscapes: A Synthesis. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book presents various aspects of agroforestry research and development, as well as the latest trends in degraded landscape management. Over the last four decades, agroforestry research (particularly on degraded landscapes) has evolved into an essential problem-solving science, e.g. in terms of sustaining agricultural productivity, improving soil health and biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting carbon sequestration and mitigating climate change. This book examines temperate and tropical agroforestry systems around the world, focusing on traditional and modern practices and technologies used to rehabilitate degraded lands. It covers the latest research advances, trends and challenges in the utilization and reclamation of degraded lands, e.g. urban and peri-urban agroforestry, reclamation of degraded landscapes, tree-based multi-enterprise agriculture, domestication of high-value halophytes, afforestation of coastal areas, preserving mangroves and much more. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable asset for a broad range of stakeholders including farmers, scientists, researchers, educators, students, development/extension agents, environmentalists, policy/decision makers, and government and non-government organizations. Enlace de acceso : [...] Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes : Recent Advances and Emerging Challenges - Vol. 2 [documento electrónico] / Dagar, Jagdish Chander, ; Gupta, Sharda Rani, ; Teketay, Demel, . - 1 ed. . - Singapore [Malasya] : Springer, 2020 . - XIII, 475 p. 97 ilustraciones, 64 ilustraciones en color.
ISBN : 978-981-1568077--
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Idioma : Inglés (eng)
Palabras clave: Silvicultura EcologÃa vegetal EcologÃa del paisaje FisiologÃa de las plantas BiologÃa de la Conservación EcologÃa Clasificación: 634.9 Resumen: Este libro presenta varios aspectos de la investigación y el desarrollo agroforestal, asà como las últimas tendencias en el manejo de paisajes degradados. Durante las últimas cuatro décadas, la investigación agroforestal (particularmente sobre paisajes degradados) ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una ciencia esencial para la resolución de problemas, por ejemplo en términos de sostener la productividad agrÃcola, mejorar la salud del suelo y la biodiversidad, mejorar los servicios ecosistémicos, apoyar el secuestro de carbono y mitigar el cambio climático. Este libro examina los sistemas agroforestales templados y tropicales en todo el mundo, centrándose en las prácticas y tecnologÃas tradicionales y modernas utilizadas para rehabilitar tierras degradadas. Cubre los últimos avances en investigación, tendencias y desafÃos en la utilización y recuperación de tierras degradadas, por ejemplo, agrosilvicultura urbana y periurbana, recuperación de paisajes degradados, agricultura multiempresa basada en árboles, domesticación de halófitas de alto valor, forestación de zonas costeras. áreas, preservando manglares y mucho más. Dado su alcance, el libro ofrece un activo valioso para una amplia gama de partes interesadas, incluidos agricultores, cientÃficos, investigadores, educadores, estudiantes, agentes de desarrollo/extensión, ambientalistas, tomadores de decisiones y polÃticas, y organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales. Nota de contenido: Chapter 1. Biomass Production Potentials under Temperate Agroforestry Systems as Influenced by Selected Sustainability Indicators: A Case Study Approach with Supportive Evidence -- Chapter 2. Management Practices vis-a-vis Agroforestry for the Improvement of Rangelands of Jammu and Kashmir in Northwestern Himalaya, India -- Chapter 3. The Influence of Over-mature, Degraded Nothofagus Forests with Strong Anthropic Disturbance on the Quality of an Andisol and Its Gradual Recovery with Silvopasture in Southwestern South America -- Chapter 4. Assessment of Trees Outside Forests (TOF) with Emphasis on Agroforestry Systems -- Chapter 5. Agroforestry Interventions for Rehabilitating Salt-affected and Waterlogged Marginal Landscapes -- Chapter 6. Silvopasture Options for Enhanced Biological Productivity of Degraded Pasture/Grazing Lands: An Overview -- Chapter 7. Potential of Agroforestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Ravine Lands -- Chapter 8. Urban and Peri-urban Agroforestry: Utilization of Waste Water and Degraded Landscapes forEnvironmental and Livelihood Security -- Chapter 9. Agroforestry Approach for Rehabilitation of Mine Spoils -- Chapter 10. The Role of Tree Plantations forImproving Soil Fertility and Carbon Sequestration on Coal Mine Spoils -- Chapter 11. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems for Rehabilitating Degraded Lands of India -- Chapter 12. Sustainability of Faidherbia albida-based Agroforestry in Crop Production and Maintaining Soil Health -- Chapter 13. Characterization of Faidherbia albida and Prosopis africana Trees Wood Anatomy and Response to Climate Variability Using Dendrochronology in the Sahelian Agroforestry Parklands -- Chapter 14. Lac-based Agroforestry System for Degraded Lands in India -- Chapter 15. The Role of Insects in Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Tree-based Systems on Degraded Lands -- Chapter 16. Promoting Bamboo-based Agroforestry for Enhancing Ecosystem Services from Degraded Lands -- Chapter 17. Agroforestry Developments for Degraded Landscapes: A Synthesis. Tipo de medio : Computadora Summary : This book presents various aspects of agroforestry research and development, as well as the latest trends in degraded landscape management. Over the last four decades, agroforestry research (particularly on degraded landscapes) has evolved into an essential problem-solving science, e.g. in terms of sustaining agricultural productivity, improving soil health and biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting carbon sequestration and mitigating climate change. This book examines temperate and tropical agroforestry systems around the world, focusing on traditional and modern practices and technologies used to rehabilitate degraded lands. It covers the latest research advances, trends and challenges in the utilization and reclamation of degraded lands, e.g. urban and peri-urban agroforestry, reclamation of degraded landscapes, tree-based multi-enterprise agriculture, domestication of high-value halophytes, afforestation of coastal areas, preserving mangroves and much more. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable asset for a broad range of stakeholders including farmers, scientists, researchers, educators, students, development/extension agents, environmentalists, policy/decision makers, and government and non-government organizations. Enlace de acceso : [...] Aprovechamientos madereros en los montes jiennenses (siglos XVIII-XX) / Araque JimeÌnez, Eduardo. ; Moya GarciÌa, Egidio
TÃtulo : Aprovechamientos madereros en los montes jiennenses (siglos XVIII-XX) Tipo de documento: documento electrónico Autores: Araque JimeÌnez, Eduardo., ; Moya GarciÌa, Egidio, Editorial: Universidad de Jaén Fecha de publicación: 2013 Número de páginas: 1 recurso en liÌnea ISBN/ISSN/DL: 9788484397410 Nota general: Contiene iÌndice. Palabras clave: Bosques y sector forestal. Forests and forestry. Clasificación: 634.9 Enlace de acceso : Aprovechamientos madereros en los montes jiennenses (siglos XVIII-XX) [documento electrónico] / Araque JimeÌnez, Eduardo., ; Moya GarciÌa, Egidio, . - Universidad de Jaén, 2013 . - 1 recurso en liÌnea.
ISBN : 9788484397410
Contiene iÌndice.
Palabras clave: Bosques y sector forestal. Forests and forestry. Clasificación: 634.9 Enlace de acceso : PermalinkBig Data in Bioeconomy / Södergård, Caj ; Mildorf, Tomas ; Habyarimana, Ephrem ; Berre, Arne J. ; Fernandes, Jose A. ; Zinke-Wehlmann, Christian
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